Hi everyone 
It's time for the 2010 NDR Easter Event, and this time we're going for something different to the normal 2h races. Slightly stealing the very popular Head-to-Head format from our friends over at SRS, we're holding our very own "Race of Champions" event, at the Blackwood Car Park. [romantic, isn't it?]
Everyone will be put into the draw and pitted against another racer around a tight twisty autocross layout, featuring a jump. The winner then progresses to the next round and so on until we get to a final.
The layout will be posted closer to the time, and here are the rules/guidelines for this event:
Cars for each round:
Round 1: XRG
Round 2: RB4
Quarter Finals: LX4
Semi-Finals: XRT
Final: LX6
Each "match" will consist of either 1 or 2 runs around the track. If 2 runs are used [i.e. if we have time], then the drivers will start on alternate sides of the track for each run [like real RoC]. An aggregate time will decide the winner of each match. The final will be over 4 runs, two runs on each side for each competitor. In the event of a tie, the driver with the best individual run time from that match will progress. If this is a tie, then the match is replayed. If you roll over/wreck really badly during a run, you may reset but will be given a 30s time penalty. A disconnection during your run will mean you automatically lose. Sorry.
Chat is prohibited between the transition between race end screen and track view, until both racers have finished their runs.
We can have up to 64 people compete in this, so there's plenty of space for everyone to race. Although your time actually racing in this could be less than 5 mins
The event is taking place on Sunday 28th March, at 1800 BST [GMT +1]. Server info will be sent out at the weekend.
If you want to ask any questions then please do so here.
Sign up form:
LFS Username:
Real Name:
See you on track
Signup list: http://spreadsheets.google.com ... UdVX-y7lg&output=html

It's time for the 2010 NDR Easter Event, and this time we're going for something different to the normal 2h races. Slightly stealing the very popular Head-to-Head format from our friends over at SRS, we're holding our very own "Race of Champions" event, at the Blackwood Car Park. [romantic, isn't it?]
Everyone will be put into the draw and pitted against another racer around a tight twisty autocross layout, featuring a jump. The winner then progresses to the next round and so on until we get to a final.
The layout will be posted closer to the time, and here are the rules/guidelines for this event:
Cars for each round:
Round 1: XRG
Round 2: RB4
Quarter Finals: LX4
Semi-Finals: XRT
Final: LX6
Each "match" will consist of either 1 or 2 runs around the track. If 2 runs are used [i.e. if we have time], then the drivers will start on alternate sides of the track for each run [like real RoC]. An aggregate time will decide the winner of each match. The final will be over 4 runs, two runs on each side for each competitor. In the event of a tie, the driver with the best individual run time from that match will progress. If this is a tie, then the match is replayed. If you roll over/wreck really badly during a run, you may reset but will be given a 30s time penalty. A disconnection during your run will mean you automatically lose. Sorry.
Chat is prohibited between the transition between race end screen and track view, until both racers have finished their runs.
We can have up to 64 people compete in this, so there's plenty of space for everyone to race. Although your time actually racing in this could be less than 5 mins

The event is taking place on Sunday 28th March, at 1800 BST [GMT +1]. Server info will be sent out at the weekend.
If you want to ask any questions then please do so here.
Sign up form:
LFS Username:
Real Name:
See you on track

Signup list: http://spreadsheets.google.com ... UdVX-y7lg&output=html