FXR Skin from BTB-Bike
FXR Skin from BTB-Bike
Attached images
Quote from matijapkc :

Demo racers stil have aces to al the cars in the viewer!!!!

So hold your fire.
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Demo racers stil have aces to al the cars in the viewer!!!!

So hold your fire.

I haven't fired yet... There's no burning, I just asked.
And you don't scream at me.
Quote from matijapkc :I haven't fired yet... There's no burning, I just asked.
And you don't scream at me.

Report the post or just shut the **** up! Please keep your crack-o-phobia to yourself and stop playing forum police.
me again.. (l200) DELETED by l200
Quote from l200 :Hi guys !

Tell me what you think of these ,

remove the IMG tags or use the attachment feature
Quote from l200 :Hi guys !

Tell me what you think of these ,

Nice. And where to get those rear lights?
Quote from FireMike15 :Super Coppermix FXO

I think you should color daloonie's name But anyway, it's a nice skin, good job!
Hehe, : Thank you
(l200) DELETED by l200 : useless post
(l200) DELETED by l200
new one... (l200) DELETED by l200
(l200) DELETED by l200
Quote from l200 :Thanx to a nice webpage i found i got some nice templates and so i edited the skin a little !

You should credit caoz for his bodykit or atleast design dudes.
(l200) DELETED by l200
yeehaa =P
@IS200, You couldn't have made the credits for DD, etc... possibly made smaller, huh? You have a lot of space on that skin file to extend them (seeing as the bodykit make at least 50% of the skin).

And another thing is, that you have now 7 (useless) posts on this page. Big screenshots in the Finished-Skin section, that show nothing but your custom interior texture.
Please, edit your posts and put that all together. And while on it, please remove the IMG-Tags from the links. Yes, you may say "the hell.. i don't give a F about that weirdo", but you would also do the community a nice favour. If someone wants to look at your stuff he can decide to click the link. Don't force people to look/wait. Thank you!
Woot, nice one dude. Like it.
Great work as always, Jazz!
I was asked by a friend to do
an F1 Safety car skin.. so here is my version of it x]
That's a great skin and good work!
It would be perfect, if you applied the correct compression to the graphics and decals - now they're all stretched...

This might help: 'Stretching of skins' by JazzOn
Totally awesome mate, good job!
awesome stuff
Nice Skin !

FXO Skins (& GTR)
(2595 posts, started )