The online racing simulator
Thanks for the help EQ. Got it working with that info and will be able tweak it to what we want from there. Appreciate the help and fast response, and Airio is a great program by the way!
Quote from EQ Worry :The problem is LFS may be reporting pretty weird lap times e.g. in practice and to have reasonable data it is best to simply ignore 1st lap. In race this works well and my tests show it works (after latest updates) even in qualification and practice, so I'm a bit surprised it is still reported as a bug on the LFS Spain servers. Maybe just some updates confusion... I'll do some more tests

If it clarifies something, here you have a log from aonio, showing how the AVG is updated at lap 4 when it should actually be at 3
Attached files
aonioa.log.txt - 2.3 KB - 377 views
Quote from hillhopper :Appreciate the help and fast response, and Airio is a great program by the way!


Quote from RocksGt :If it clarifies something, here you have a log from aonio, showing how the AVG is updated at lap 4 when it should actually be at 3

Oops, you're right of course, now I finally solved the problem, an update will be available soon and I think the AVG will function correctly. I'd like to extend multiclass support a bit more (maybe also add the no-flag zones) and then there'll be a new Airio version...
Quote from EQ Worry : To make everyone equal use AllowJoining=6 in CFG file.

hello where i have tot put this line ? in airio.srv.1.txt ?
because even with this line limad and admin can get all cars.

thank you
Quote from Androme :hello where i have tot put this line ? in airio.srv.1.txt ?
because even with this line limad and admin can get all cars.

thank you

goes in .cfg file, not .srv file

after you type !rld, you may have to exit server then rejoin in order for it to take effect.
Quote from Androme :hello where i have tot put this line ? in airio.srv.1.txt ?

Just find the item in CFG file (Airio.cfg.txt) and change the value after =. After !rld I think spectating all (!sa) is sufficient to make sure even limads and admins must meet the rank/licence requirements.

in airio.cfg.txt :

in Airio.tcd.txt :
# FULL: Licence descriptions, valid here for all tracks and cars
LicenceTimesText=Licence1, Licence2, Licence3

# FULL: Relative percentages * 100 over WR for licences
LicenceTimesRel=500, 400, 300

# FULL: Comma-separated lists achievable ranks
LicenceRanksText=Rank1, Rank2, Rank3

# FULL: Comma-separated lists of points for each rank
LicenceRanksPoints=0, 175, 500

# FULL: Comma-separated lists achievable safety ratings
LicenceRatesText=Class1, Class2, Class3

# FULL: Comma-separated lists of safety percentage * 100 for ratings
LicenceRatesLevels=0, 7500, 8500

in Airio.srv.txt :
RotateTracks=FE3|5|XFG+RB4+FXO+XRG > SO6R|5 > WE1|4 > SO1R|6 > AS3|5 > KY2|4 > BL1|5 > SO5|5 > KY3|4 > SO6|5

LicenceSpecific=RB4+FXO|2,XRG RB4+FXO|2,XFG
# 2nd licence (WR+4%) in XRG or XFG required for RB4 and FXO

# 2nd rank also required (175 pts)

# Also 2nd rating level required (75%)

All is alright thank you.
Quote from Androme :All is alright thank you.

So glad to hear! Initially some items may be a bit confusing, no doubt, but I believe there is a system in where the items are and how they work.
Do i just have to delete sta files to reset only stats, rate and points ?
Quote from Androme :Do i just have to delete sta files to reset only stats, rate and points ?

that would probably be the easiest.....
I just begin to knowing how to configure airio pro and i realize that it's a must have
Quote from Androme :I just begin to knowing how to configure airio pro and i realize that it's a must have

one of the best things about it is that EQ has simplified how to configure it to your liking.
i'm trying different list of track rotations, how can i go directly to first track of my rotation list when i change my rotation list ?
You need to understand the rotations work in a quite simple way. Whenever a race ends (by voting to end race, by using /end, or when everyone disconnects), Airio takes a look into the rotation string. If it finds the current track there, it will move to the next one, optionally resetting lap count and/or car types, if specified. That is all, but it has some consequences:

1) If you're on a track that is not included in rotation string, ending race does nothing, there is no next track to go to.

2) If you do not have car types specified for next track in rotation, current cars will stay unchanged.

3) If you're outside rotated tracks/cars and want to enter (new) rotation, you basically do that manually using /track and /cars admin commands (or their Airio equivalents).
i understanded thank you, but it could be cool if airoi would manage a sort of track rotation (more than one list).
Airio 2.3.7
First version of Airio 2.3.7a is available. It contains some features that are hard to test thoroughly except on decently loaded servers, so bug reports are expected and welcome. Here are some of the added things:
  • Certain controls (mouse, keyboard) can be prohibited, depending on lap time.
  • Multiclass support was extended (position in class is shown, also best splits/sectors are stored and shown per class, the same with best lap points).
  • Blue flag warnings show type of obstructed car and can be ignored if the car is of another class.
  • Button clutch (defined as not autoclutch and not shifter) can be prohibited or required.
  • Parts of track may be defined where yellow flags caused are ignored, to solve some LFS bug rating problems.
  • Forced spectatings, kicks, and bans can now decrease safety rating.
  • PROS version finally implements dynamic handicaps - race winners can be required to mount e.g. additional mass to their car for the next race, which may in effect equalize the racing field.
The new version is already sent to 500servers and should be available for update soon. FREE version is also directly available through my signature, FULL version details will be sent shortly through e-mail. Enjoy!
Quote from Androme :it could be cool if airoi would manage a sort of track rotation (more than one list).

Hm, interesting idea!
What is the command to show the list of average best times?
Quote from pik_d :What is the command to show the list of average best times?

To see all championship (usually a week or a month) average lap times type !avg [car]. Total stored average times are shown by !avgs [car]. You can always use # or "me" to see you place (e.g. !avgs #). To see average times of currently connected people use !tma [car] (time average).
2.3.7a is now available as an update on 500servers.

Also the default installation has been updated to install version 2.3.7a with all the currect config files available from the Airio Free version.
Hey Worry, thx alot for the new NoYellowNode-thingie!

We did some tests on BL1R with severall cars. The main problem was to get the XRG & LX6 right...

Quote from airio.tcd.txt :
NoYellowNodes=72-92 + 160-170

Tested with STD, TBO, LRF, NGT, CTRA/MoE/CL-GT2 and GTR -class.
I am getting a packet write error? Can someone else me to know how to fix it?

10.03.22 17:40:35 #3 AEGIO ERROR : System.ArgumentException
Source array was not long enough. Check srcIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds.
at System.Array.Copy(Array sourceArray, Int32 sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, Int32 destinationIndex, Int32 length, Boolean reliable)
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.Decoder.IS_MCI..ctor(Byte[] packet) in c:\Development Files\LFS_Aegio\InSimDecoder.cs:line 671
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.Event.MultiCar..ctor(Byte[] packet) in c:\Development Files\LFS_Aegio\InSimReceiving.cs:line 734
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.Connection.ListenTCP() in c:\Development Files\LFS_Aegio\InSimListener.cs:line 192
10.03.22 17:40:35 #3 Stopping thread : Aegio - - TCP Listener
10.03.22 17:43:03 #3 Packet write error...
10.03.22 17:43:03 #3 AEGIO ERROR : System.Net.Sockets.SocketException
An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(Byte[] buffer)
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Aegio.Connection.PacketWrite(Byte[] pack) in c:\Development Files\LFS_Aegio\InSimConnection.cs:line 296
10.03.22 17:43:03 #3 AEGIO ERROR : Packet not written
4 3 0 0

Thanks, Cody.
Quote from VoiD :Conclusion:
NoYellowNodes=72-92 + 160-170

Nice one! I'll put this into the default TCD file. Thanks!

An option for finding such places on other tracks would be to disable safety ratings temporarily, have standard races and then take a look into the LOG file, because every raised and withdrawn yellow flag is now reported together with nodes where this happened.

Quote from Backtrack3d :I am getting a packet write error? Can someone else me to know how to fix it?

Very hard to fix this error. It it bad communication between Airio and LFS server, bad data being received that look almost like LFS packets but are not - decoding rutines process the data assuming they have correct form and fail at that.

This broken communication almost never happens when Airio runs locally, on the same PC where also LFS server(s) run. The less reliable the connection between Airio and server the higher the probability of TCP errors leading to Airio disconnects (and automatic reconnect attempts within 5 minutes).

Practical note: I was getting many such errors when running Airio from my PC through Wi-Fi to very remote servers. The connection was broken every so often - bad packets received turned into errors (captured, reported) in the InSim library, leading to disconnects. The solution is to move Airio closer to the LFS server.
Yea the servers are run off of dedicated servers from WYD, Which are located at a facility in Texas, USA. I'm in the next state over which is Arkansas, USA, and I'm running the Airio tracker from my PC. I'll try and put the Airio Tracker on the Server box itself and run it on there and see if that helps.

Thanks Bud! If i have another question I'll be sure to ask

AIRIO - Advanced LFS Tracker
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