My Gpu (Sig) sounds pretty rough when I boot the rig up when it's cold, only below 55*C it seems. This is probably the 3rd time I've booted the machine with it being so cold in this room. I don't keep it very warm in this room unless I'm in here, so at times first thing in the morning when I go on, it sounds rough. By about the time I get to the desktop, the noise go's away. I'm certain it's the Gpu fan, today when I booted I right away opened CCC, cranked the fan to 100% and had a good just sounds rough. Doesn't sound out of balance or anything...hard to explain, just, twice as loud. Then, it instantly sounds normal. It's not a smooth transition, from noisy to quiet, it just go's from loud/noisy, to perfectly normal, instantly. This rarely happens and never when it's warm.
This is something I've just never payed much attention to, at all. Is this something I should be concerned about? The card is only two weeks old, barely. There is nothing within 2 inches of the front of the card, nothing is interfering with the card. If this happened all the time I'd worry, but since it's only when it's very cold, is it possibly it's nothing to be concerned about?
Anyone with experience I'd appreciate any input, I know we have more hardware heads here, but this is something I've never come across. Also, the system otherwise runs absolutely perfect, temps, speeds, everything is perfect.
Thanks, sorry for the length.
This is something I've just never payed much attention to, at all. Is this something I should be concerned about? The card is only two weeks old, barely. There is nothing within 2 inches of the front of the card, nothing is interfering with the card. If this happened all the time I'd worry, but since it's only when it's very cold, is it possibly it's nothing to be concerned about?
Anyone with experience I'd appreciate any input, I know we have more hardware heads here, but this is something I've never come across. Also, the system otherwise runs absolutely perfect, temps, speeds, everything is perfect.
Thanks, sorry for the length.