The online racing simulator
Could not read file: in game name
I was playing LFS when my computer suddenly restarted itself, which is odd as its the 1st time its ever done it. Anyway, I come to play LFS again but lost all of my ingame settings / graphic settings, etc and I cannot load up my usual driver name (the one i was using when my computer crashed.)

Ive reinstalled LFS but its the same :/ Any idea's anyone?
Well i dunno about the rest of the stuff, but the Could not read file: xxx error refers to a missing DDS file, so if the error is, for instance, Could not read file: TYRE then it means that your file is broken or missing, all DDS files are in the LFS/data/dds folder, so take a look in there for the ones that you have errors with and see if the files are there or not, if they are there then they must be corrupted in some way (maybe your pc crashing with dds files loaded caused corruption to them?) and if they are missing then that will also cause that same error.

I would post up on here which files you are having trouble with, im sure we can upload the standard dds files for you to replace them with.