Timed out
(10 posts, started )
Timed out
Last night Itried to host a race with my brother and got a 'connection timed out' message. Can anyone give me a simple explanation for any of the reasons this can occur. I have recently changed my O/S to Win7 32. LFS runs perfectly in this and I am able to connect with the list of 'Host' to be found in the m/player section. What I need to know is what is the difference between them ,and me trying to host a private race with another person with LFS? Thanks if anyone can shed some light on this.
Who has hosting the game? If the server is behind a router, you have to forward a port. Win7 has a firewall enabled by default, so make sure it is not blocking LFS.
Hi ,I tried to host first and received the 'connection' timed out ' message. I also had the window7 message from the firewall ,which I unblocked. About 2 year ago we were able to connect with no problems at all. Some change occured (maybe a LFS software update,I'm not sure) and we couldn't connect anymore.
Hi again, As I am new to WIN7 (3days) Can you please elaborate on this term ...Free-Fall Hardware Acceleration .... I haven't heard of that before,where is it to be found? Thanks for your help.
Quote from Daveebee :Free-Fall Hardware Acceleration

That's the sig, nothing to do with the topic

Were you hosting a LAN (local) host or an internet game?
Iwas attempting to host in internet game, my brother and I live on opposite sides of the English Channel.
Recheck that the lfs.exe is allowed in the firewall, and you could also add it to the exceptions list. Once you're sure the problem doesn't lie in the firewall, the next thing to look at is your router. Find the port forwarding page, and add ports 63392 and 29339. Both TCP and UDP.
Quote from NotAnIllusion :add ports 63392 and 29339. Both TCP and UDP.

Only the server port, opening 29339 (master server) is not necessary (unless that happens to be the port you're hosting on).
The server port is the one you set in the "Port" field of the "Start new host" screen, 63392 is the default setting.
I have the same problem :S i have open the ports and add lfs.exe to the exceptions list and i still get the same.

Timed out
(10 posts, started )