International XF GTi Championship
Spring 2010 season
The International XF GTi Championship is back, for the 2nd season of its history. The league will be organised by Tiger Express Events.
Like last year, this season will be spreaded over 6 round, with a sprint and a feature race(with a top 8 reversed grid). The only major change concerns the lenght of the races, increasing from 7(sprint) and 15(feature) minutes to 15 and 30 minutes.
So, who is gonna succeed to Tommy Ostgaard and F1RST Racing, our previous champions?
[epic linkage moment]
International XF GTi Championship on spdo Database
Fall 2009 Season Full Standings
Fall 2009 Season resume
Spring 2010 Season Rules
International XF GTi Champions ... urrently in construction)
[/epic linkage moment]
Round 1: Aston Club(as2), 28/04/2010, 11/22
Round 2: South City Chicane Route Reversed(so6r), 12/05/2010, 11/22
Round 3: Kyoto Oval Reversed with Ussbeethoven Chicanes*, 26/05/2010, TBA/TBA
Round 4: Fern Bay Rallycross Reversed(fe5r), 02/06/2010, 11/23
Round 5: Blackwood GP(bl1), 18/06/2010, 10/19
Round 6: Fern Bay Gold(fe3), 24/06/2010, 9/18
* See attachement
19:00 UTC: 15 minutes qualifying session
19:25 UTC: 15 minutes sprint race
19:50 UTC: 30 minutes feature race
NOTE: Since LFS Forum's leagues subsections are no longer maintained, we would like to ask any entrant to register to our forum. All the important informations will be posted, in the "International XF GTi Championship" section, unless a centralised place for LFS leagues/events would be born before the 1st round.
Sign-Ups thread