The online racing simulator
How Good is LFS Tire Model? Check this out.....
I test the tire modeling here doing a continuous 360 Deg. donut. I am rotating anticlockwise so max loading is on the right rear tire. Note in the replay how the right rear wears out first then flat spots, then deflates. The left rear with less loading follows soon after. I love the way each tire deflates after the complete wearout. WOW Is this game cool or what?

I note one little anomaly though! Why do the rear tires rotate but not the wheel? Puzzling! I would think that the tires, like the wheels, should be fairly static and not turning. Very intersting.

I am new to LFS and just discovering how great this game is after passing it over for about two years. After most recent update I just had to have this game. Best racing simulation I ever played!
Attached files
BlueMantra_FE4_BF1_Spin.spr - 32.9 KB - 295 views
Well , as you know the devs spent a lot of time working on the tire model to make it - just so - and I think they have done a marvelous job
Quote from baroche :I note one little anomaly though! Why do the rear tires rotate but not the wheel? Puzzling! I would think that the tires, like the wheels, should be fairly static and not turning. Very intersting.

i doubt that has even been started on, that would be under damage so i would note that down for something to wish for in S3
EDIT: Nevermind I understand now.
I think thats just an eye effect, where something looks likes its not spinning when it actually is. Difference is in real life it gets blurred, whereas in LFS it doesnt so it looks completely static
^^^Yes. I hope they add blurring soon, same with the sidewalls you can get the same effect.
What I thought he was talking about too Maggot, but I think he means something else.

Imagine if you get a flat tire... or a blown tire actually, the tire comes of the bead of the wheel and outer rim and the actual hub/wheel will spin freely, but the tire should be acting like it isn't on (and not spinning in this case). That is what I think he means
lol it took me about 5 rereads to understand what he meant so no worries
True enough the tire cannot separate from the rim yet. But people drive in real life all the with flat tires, which I presume would be the same as a blown one. One can still accelerate in a front drive car with an open diff and a flat front tire, the flat tire doesn't just freewheel Maybe I am still missing something here?
Edit: Tweak, after re-reading his post you're saying the opposite of him?
Flat tire and Blown tire are two different things. He did donuts until the tires blew, which means the tire should be 'off' the wheel entirely. Ever see an F1 car with a blown tire trying to move??? (Schumi comes to mind )

Tire stays stationary, while wheel moves inside.

It is just something LFS hasn't achieved yet. But I am sure will soon happen
Quote from Tweaker :Flat tire and Blown tire are two different things. He did donuts until the tires blew, which means the tire should be 'off' the wheel entirely. Ever see an F1 car with a blown tire trying to move??? (Schumi comes to mind )

Tire stays stationary, while wheel moves inside.

It is just something LFS hasn't achieved yet. But I am sure will soon happen

I was referring to how the wheel and tire behave during the donut. The rear tires are spining very fast, but the rear wheels remains stationary.
Quote from baroche :The rear tires are spining very fast, but the rear wheels remains stationary.

Doesn't happen for me

Both the wheel and the tire spin at the same rate when blown.

And judging from your replay, that is just the visual limitation of LFS when the spokes spin. There isn't blurring or anything when the spokes spin. Your wheels ARE spinning when you are doing that donut, but that is called Temporal Aliasing, and basically the wheel looks to be going backwards, standing still or rotating at a very slow rate. You see it a lot in movies, or just by staring at a spinning wheel in reallife.

If we had blurring it would be working properly, but since there isn't that effect, it makes the spokes motion look kind of wierd.