What did Zeug do wrong?

He did answer the question of the topic starter perfectly, and there were no "fanboy" statement.
Zeug, there you see my point, it works both ways. We have the group whiners and fanboys, which are two group-names that are much abused on this forum. Critizise LFS - whiner, giving a statement you like LFS - fanboy. These two expression can only be used when the opinion is badly explained, but just throws out and insulting opinion, often ignorant.
I often think of me and Zeug of the oposit, but never as the whiner and the fanboy. Zeug often explains he's opinions well, and the same I tries to do.
You can have oposit opinions, but it does not need to lead to a personal insult fest or negative posts, just accept that there are different opinions.
And what he tells, about the price and if it's worth it - OF COURSE IS IT!! Even with my veiw on things in LFS these days, I still think the money is well worth it. That's also the reason why I have thrown around all these lisences when beeing drunk to people, to boost the popularity of the game and at least for me - it's a cheap game. 24bucks in total, or even 36 with S3 (maybe) is a lowpriced game, with a lot of entertainment. Also you get patches and extra material after the release.
So please, stop calling him an fanboy. He is a reasonable man with his veiw of LFS, accept it.