Ironhorse Racing Servers
(24 posts, started )
Ironhorse Racing Servers
New Minimum Requirement

In responce to many lfs'ers requests for cleaner servers with quality racers and after much discussion within the team, we have decided to implement a minimum LFS Experience Index (LFSEI) requirement onto our servers.

If you are unsure what LFSEI is then please look here. or

We have noticed recently that there are now a couple of other servers running a multiclass system which will mean that complete newbies will still have somewhere to race should they wish to race multiclass. Whether these servers decide to implement a minimum standard is their choice of course.

We are making this a very concious move towards quality rather than quantity. We also realise we will lose some racers, even those allowed to race will go elsewhere as they will have friends who are not. We may also be wrong and find ourselves with empty servers but that is something we are prepared for. If that happens we at IHR will have some time off administrating servers From now on IHR is more concerned with having the best racing on LFS than having the fullest servers.

The level we are setting this at is 200. If anyone wants to know their own LFSEI then simply connect to ANY server running Airio Full.

New LFSEI Rankings

In addition to the above minimum requirement we have also added LFSEI to be used along side our Rankings. In essence this answers the question "why do I have to earn a load of points again to drive the car I want?".

If you have enough LFSEI, we want you to be able to bypass our ranking system. The levels we have set are.

STD - 200
TBO - 400
NGT - 500
GT2 - 600
GTR - 700

Safety rating is still an important factor & it will stay a requirement as it helps keep racing clean and, sadly as I write this, the current starting point for all new comers to airio servers is 50%, regardless of your LFSEI. After chatting to EQWorry this morning he is going to change this to add in some new starting levels of Safety Rating based on your LFSEI.

Our current Saftey Rating requirement is below.

STD - No requirement
FXO & RB4 - 75%
XRT - 80%
NGT - 85%
GT2 - 87%
GTR - 93%

This currently means that someone with, say, over 700 LFSEI will still have to start in a lower class car but will be able to race the fastest cars much quicker, hours instead of weeks/months, as long as he/she races cleanly. Regardless of finishing position. I have seen good clean racers reach high Safety Ratings very quickly. I think you all understand how important the Safety Rating system is to help ensure good clean racing.

In Conclusion

We will no longer be accepting newbies and we want to give good experienced racers the chance to race the cars they like without the need to work through ranks for weeks.

Happy Racing
YAY !!

Let me be the first one to say: Well done! A good decision ( I hope ).

I didnt drive there since 1-2 months and never crashed, just wanted to connect there today because one of my teammates was online...
Hm well to be honest I dont bother much, because I normally dont race on a public server but just wondered about it coz I never crashed anybody and i didnt have problems with the admins.
Quote from Timo1992 :

I didnt drive there since 1-2 months and never crashed, just wanted to connect there today because one of my teammates was online...

It's probably just standard Ori/IHR idiocy, don't worry.
Ah ok I see

Well then everything is clear, thanks guys anyway
#8 - troy
Good move, it's always nice to see server owners trying to go for quality. I'm not sure though if the LFS Experience index alone really works well enough for this.

You could have, for example, never set a foot on another track then the oval but still have a pretty high index (if I'm correct), or you could just rank up your points with 1000 15th places and eventually get there too, so you will still get the occasional guy in a high powered car ruining racing for everybody, heck even the long term guys sometimes hit slower cars since they (the slower cars) don't have much of a clue when it comes to multi-class behaviour. But I sure hope it's getting less now.
This post is in the correct place for advertising hosts. We have not spammed the General LFS Discussion forum.

Can you please keep it free from complaints about bans. They will not be dealt with here.

As far as general hate towards IHR is concerned it is not welcome and any hate posts not related to the Original post of this thread will be reported as spam.

troy, I agree with what you say. We can only do our best with the tools that we have available.
LFSEI is working quite well and i like that i don't need to drive std cars, but i really miss the lrf class. I was wondering is it possible to have two seperate servers to road legal cars (std,tbo,lrf) and racing cars (ngt,gt2,gtr)? I would love it.
I did a brief read on LFSEI, and it seems there is no way for the points to go down. If that is not the case correct me if I am wrong. If it is true How much of a factor is SR for being able to drive each class or on the server for that matter. I think certain cars require more race craft skill to be able to race cleanly, so SR should be a factor as well as experience regarding each class.
LFSEI does not include Safety Rating at all. You are also correct LFSEI can only go up, just like points. This is why we still use the Safety Rating system along side either points or LFSEI. In my OP you will see this.

Our current Saftey Rating requirement is below.

STD - No requirement
FXO & RB4 - 75%
XRT - 80%
NGT - 85%
GT2 - 87%
GTR - 93%

Harri K, we feel that the LRF class is too hard to drive for your average driver and so would cause a lot of problems if included along side our other classes. There are currently no plans to change or split our multiclass server current cars.
Well menantoll I got something to look forward to when I get back to racing at IHR. I'm Having some computer down time, installing drivers, I just installed windows seven.
LRF class could use SR of 97%
what cars were NGT?
NGT class = XFR & UFR

Harri K, that has been considered and talked about but we don't make any major changes without spending a lot of time thinking and talking about all possible outcomes. It's not been ruled out completely but we do have some resistance to it within the team.

For example, we've been talking about this LFSEI since it was first introduced into Airio about 2 months ago.
Well, I could race NGT with LFSEI, but cant for awhile. In Sweden, karting races. Straight away I'll do some NGT
good move guys!
If you think you will have an empty server, and time off, think again, go drink a redbull and keep your eyes peeled for some great racing.

Im looking forward to this!
Quote from menantoll :Safety rating is still an important factor & it will stay a requirement as it helps keep racing clean and, sadly as I write this, the current starting point for all new comers to airio servers is 50%, regardless of your LFSEI. After chatting to EQWorry this morning he is going to change this to add in some new starting levels of Safety Rating based on your LFSEI.

Initiating safety rating by LFSEI is already implemented in Airio 2.3.9, hopefully available soon for update at 500servers. Note however that this concerns only 1st time connects and once it gets (custom) initial value and 1st change, it will go up or down just like for everyone else. Also note that SR takes precedence and when it drops certain car classes will not be available regardless of rank or EI...
Much cleaner racing thanks to IHR guys
Main racing server got stuck with someone connecting, it has been restarted now.
Multiclass has gone bonkers! oO
yeah just as I was talking to you on it. Franky is rebooting it seems, check 500 servers thread

Ironhorse Racing Servers
(24 posts, started )