The online racing simulator
What causes this?
(11 posts, started )
What causes this?
In the last two day I've been getting these weird car crashes twice and it's very annoying. My LFS is unmodded except texture mods. I don't lag, my ping is very good (~50).

Is it because others use vob mods? Lag? Physics fail?

Look, spec me.
Attached files
EPIC_CRASH.mpr - 709.2 KB - 267 views
#2 - 5haz
Thats definately lag, also Saloman should've looked before rejoining the track!
#3 - kaynd
It’s a combination of lag and physics fail. But mainly it’s caused by lag. It doesn’t matter if you have low ping when the racer’s connection you collide with is lagging. Also unless you can identify and always watch your ping bar in LFS while racing (not that practical), you are not able to know if your connection is not lagging at all.
Its lag.. This replay was also from your perspective.

You can download server replays from our website (last 6 for the moment)

Then you will see that the server thinks there are drivers @ other positions. I responded and watched replay like I said, its your problem.. But I think you left after that? Can't remember.

And low ping says nothing about line quality. You could have dropped packets.
Quote from :Its lag.. This replay was also from your perspective.

You can download server replays from our website (last 6 for the moment)

Thats not truth Dave.
Every replay you save, is the Server's replay, not your's.
Your LFS downloads the replay from the server.
Quote from rockclan :Thats not truth Dave.
Every replay you save, is the Server's replay, not your's.
Your LFS downloads the replay from the server.

It does not, the replays are recorded on-the-fly and are basically a dump of the position packets received. At no point does the client download additional information from the server for the purpose of saving a replay.
Neh... LFS records replays live to disk (temp.mpr)
If you hit 2, a copy of temp.mpr is made... If it would download it automatically from a server, you could enter the server when a race already started.. Hit 2... And got the start as well. This isn't happening, it also is unlogical because it would cause massive bandwidth spikes.

I don't know when this race exactly was, it wasn't yesterday otherwise I would have looked up the server sided replay.
Quote from :Neh... LFS records replays live to disk (temp.mpr)
If you hit 2, a copy of temp.mpr is made... If it would download it automatically from a server, you could enter the server when a race already started.. Hit 2... And got the start as well. This isn't happening, it also is unlogical because it would cause massive bandwidth spikes.

I don't know when this race exactly was, it wasn't yesterday otherwise I would have looked up the server sided replay.

Then how come I lag in my own replays, and the others don't

Someone once told me that story about that you download the replay from the servers.
The others do. In MPR replays, everyone lags AFAIK.
Also if it did download from the server when you pressed 2, how come you can still veiw the replay by viewing temp.mpr after being kicked, banned or just losing connection?
Quote from rockclan :Then how come I lag in my own replays, and the others don't

Someone once told me that story about that you download the replay from the servers.

You "lag" because positions are recorded at a fixed frequency, if you perform a manouver resulting in a significant change of direction or velocity (or both), the next sample will differ greatly from what LFS predicted it to be, resulting in a visible jump (LFS does not read ahead and interpolate, which it should IMHO).

And whoever told you that was quite simply wrong

What causes this?
(11 posts, started )