Good season everyone! Nice & interesting changes
In GVRteam we can spare one of our servers for most of the season, for massive training of the every next OLFSL combo. There might be times the server will be down, or used occasionally for our own needs, but most of the time everyone is welcome to use it for training.
Server name: 4TF 4TROXOI Forum - GVR
password: (no password, open to the public) *
* if occasionally the server asks for a password, it will mean that we are currently using it for our own needs, but it's not very likely we'll need it often.
You can also AUTO-CONNECT to the server, by selecting its name form the right-hand column at: (select the tab "4TF" next to the "LFS Online" one).
The server is Airio powered, so you can use commands like
!top or
!sb to check the best liptimes achieved inside the server, and
!tb to check theoretical bests (the best laptimes combined). If you are not familiar with Airio, you can always use
!help inside the server
Happy season everyone!