help with grafics please
(49 posts, started )
help with grafics please
Sorry but i dont know if this is the rights read but the grafics on my lfs is not good look at the pic and u will understand what i could i fix it?
Quote from go sideways :Sorry but i dont know if this is the rights read but the grafics on my lfs is not good look at the pic and u will understand what i could i fix it?

Must be a card problem, what gfx card you got? Got the latest drivers etc?

errr.... buy a new computer?
#4 - joen
Did you overclock the gfx card? Looks like artifacts from overheating to me.
Otherwise make sure you've got the latest drivers and such. But definitely a GFX card problem I think.
Hm that looks weird. I can't think of a particular setting in LFS that would cause it. Does it happen in any other DirectX games or just LFS?
Def. looks like Atrifacts for me. Download and run ATi tool, that'll show you if you've got artifacts (new versions work with nVidia cards too.)
#7 - richy
my old voodoo3 card blew up in a similar fashion to that. if it just happened after a blue screen or something then your card may have just died.
i got a Geforce 6600Gt..and the 84.21 drivers..its working on all other games..
#9 - joen
Yes but is it overclocked? Because LFS is quite sensitive to overclocking. So that would explain why this doesn't happen in other games.
Overclocked or not, check the temperatures of your card, the before mentioned ati tools can do that iirc.
That is your card not that game. Looks like either overheating or buggered memory.

Lower any overclocks
Check your temperatures, make sure the card isnt overheating
Does this happen in all games?
Just to be sure, install a new set of drivers
Got another PC you can try it in maybe?
Could be a power issue, what PSU is your PC running?
Tried a reinstall of LFS?
That's the light version of how my LFS looked when my GFX card memory died due to overheating. A replacement and a proper cooler later, that doesn't happen anymore

These artifacts are 100% your memory screwing up. Either you've overclocked it too much, or it's already dying on you. Reduce your clock speeds to normal or get a new card, nothing else you can do.
its not overclocked and have never been well as i know..and i got a 520w powersupply..the temp is at 45`c
45° idle temp or while rendering (being under stress)? With the newest drivers you can log temperatures AFAIK - the standard cooler that came with my 6600GT was underpowered and let the temperatures go up to 90°.

Whatever it is, it's not LFS but definitely something with your GFX card memory.
45 degrees at load or idle? Its how hot it gets when your gaming thats important.

Your PSU should be OK then.
Quote from go sideways :its not overclocked and have never been well as i know..and i got a 520w powersupply..the temp is at 45`c

I doubt you have 45temp on zour GPU during playing LFS.If you ALT-TAB to look at tempreture in NVIDIA panel that its wrong reading of temps.
Try to install Rivatuner or NVtemplogger program for checking proper tempreture during playing.
If it will still show good numbers then your graphic memory probably suffer from overheating or dying.

Also,I know its strange but since 84.xx drivers sometimes same arifcats might happend if you use VGA-DVI adapeter for your LCD in some special cases.
ok..gonna try riva tuner and see what happends..
#17 - Jakg
Quote from Spudster :omfg!!!!!!

errr.... buy a new computer?

or just a new gfx card...

Tried a vanilla install? adn when i oced to much i never got anything that severe!
Quote from go sideways :Sorry but i dont know if this is the rights read but the grafics on my lfs is not good look at the pic and u will understand what i could i fix it?

Woah... That's bad... I agree, it must be a card problem, have you got all of the latest drivers?
i got new upgrades for my pc..
reformated Yesterday..And it was like that before the reformat..i dont know what it could be:S
Take the side off your case to help with cooling and see if that resolves your problem. If it does your gfx card is overheating.

When is the last time you cleaned out the dust from your case?
its not much dust in there..and the sidepanel is of all the time..
Quote from go sideways :its not much dust in there..and the sidepanel is of all the time..

start some online replay and let it running like 15 minutes and then post the log of tempreture from Rivatuner.
Then we can try to narrow the issues which might creating your artifacts.
If your still getting it after a format then im very tempted to say it is that card rather than drivers/software etc.

Definately make sure it isnt overheating, also check the card is seated in its slot properly. Take it out and put it back in. Maybe underclock the card to see if that solves the problem. If that doesnt solve it then do you have another GFX card you can try, just to make sure it is the card?
its on close 60`s while playing
Quote from go sideways :its on close 60`s while playing

I would say then its your graphic memory.Please could you try to downclock the graphic memory to something like 800Mhz(hope you know how to do that correctly) and tell us if you still get artifacts?

help with grafics please
(49 posts, started )