Team 7Karat
7Karat is a danish team, but there´s also drivers from other nations. So no troubles if you arent danish

We work as a team, and we work for fair racing. We are also participating in several leagues, and we have just recently started our own. The league is called the Green Card Cup. It is here you can prove your self as a driver, but also as a team mate! We dont expect that you can beat the WR in every track, but we expect that you train to be faster! We have room for beginners as we have for experienced racers.
How do we communicate?
It´s also important to make sure you are in good contact with the members of the team. We use Teamspeak to communicate and therefore you need a headset or equalent to that. We also use both Skype and MSN.
Regards the 7Karat team