Like i said, skips ENTRY looks great.
But i been thinking the same thing the last few weeks.
Ill spend 1 hour on something before entering. Looks great for a complete stock lfs screenshot turned into edited and great racing shot.
But then i look at some other people who copy and past an LFS car and looks TEN times better than mine, because of the level of graphics in the LFS system, and i think then, why bother..? and i dont.
Then you got a guy like Lynce that you just cant compete with

. Never been a massive fan of the high contrast effects that he works on, but the guy is a guinues with his work. I really gotta give it to that guy because he runs off his imagination and own work, not something that was found on google images and transformed into an LFS shot. Think about it. If lynce was using Volk rims, external LFS scenes and all of that, this would be Lynce's showcase forum in my opinion, not a Photomode competition. He does amazing work minus external objects, think about what he could do if he is using it.
Sure it may have took some time, ive done that work and sometimes takes hours. But half the work is already done. Its like having a premade templete and tricking it out with an LFS car. But then saying "Hey! i spent hours transforming it, give me credit, i deserve an entry too."
Time means nothing with design, most people should know that. Sometimes when making art you spend 1hour on the main part, and then another 7 hours (no joke) on all the tiny tiny bits that most people wont see to the untrained eye. Applies for everything in this world.
I agree with what 5stag says, +1 to him. It does eventually feel that its just copy and paste when you jsut cant compete with someone that has transformed other work into their LFS work.
But i guess this competition is what MX freestyle (dirt bike tricks) was like. Before the backflip was done, it was all creative tricks mid air. Then as soon as the backflip was done, it was learn it or you will never win. I know people backed off from their passion simply because they didnt have it in them to propell a 120kg dirt bike in the air while doing a backflip....
..talent wasted.
Same here applies, just obviously in a very smaller way.
Im for both sides, because getting an other image and working with that is very hard and tricky as well, but.. ..still, just doesnt seem as if "but you didnt create all of it".