I have just been banned once again from the crap that is a TC server, the cops use VOB mods whren they arnt allowed via their own ruels and when your checkin your self to see weather they have a vob mod you end of kicked or banned but its TRUE. TC has got to be one of the worst severs around simply because of their dumb admins thinking that they ARE all ways right then they clearly know they arnt.
Their website isnt much to cheer about either, i tryed registering to appeal for what happened and guess what? I couldnt log in, they said that I did it wrong :@ when I followed their stupid sign up and it just simply comes to an error page saying that some values arnt correct, all they say is that you have done it wrong. SO when your reported your pritty much stuffed because of their lack of brain cells and people who know how to make a simple website work ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE you bloody half whit lot!.... If your looking for a cruise server in the end dont bother with TC with their dumb admins and some cops who lag hit you and say its a glitch ur lagging just go and log onto something like W.S.C (windstyle cruise) were they will treat you like a person unlike then what TC does...
..... Except TC Elmo
Their website isnt much to cheer about either, i tryed registering to appeal for what happened and guess what? I couldnt log in, they said that I did it wrong :@ when I followed their stupid sign up and it just simply comes to an error page saying that some values arnt correct, all they say is that you have done it wrong. SO when your reported your pritty much stuffed because of their lack of brain cells and people who know how to make a simple website work ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE you bloody half whit lot!.... If your looking for a cruise server in the end dont bother with TC with their dumb admins and some cops who lag hit you and say its a glitch ur lagging just go and log onto something like W.S.C (windstyle cruise) were they will treat you like a person unlike then what TC does...