LFS needs to be on TopGear
(51 posts, started )
LFS needs to be on TopGear
Think of this: model the topgear track, model whatever crap car they use, give that version away for free on the TopGear site.
The drivers with the top 4-5 times get to come out to the taping and drive the real car on TopGear. I'm guessing that the laptimes on the LFS version would be very close to those of the real car, a strong endorsement of the program.
It would be good for TopGear, but more importantly it would be wonderful exposure LFS.
How many people watch TopGear every week? Multiple millions I would guess.You can't buy exposure like that.
How say you?
Great idea, great 1st post!!!

How about Mosport too? Could setup a booth in the paddock for the ALMS weekend
If the LFS devs could get this deal then it would be awesome but I don't think it's possible. But then again, they got the BF1
Quote from Leifde :If the LFS devs could get this deal then it would be awesome but I don't think it's possible. But then again, they got the BF1

Anything is possible...
They did a feature on video game realism a while back where clarkson drove the honda NSX around laguna seca on gran turismo 4 and then in real life. However he was using a game pad and we all know that GT4 isnt exactly the "sim" of choice.

Someone should set him up with a DFP wheel, actlabs shifter and some VPP pedals and get him on LFS with a 3 screen setup using matrox's triple head2go, then we'd see what he really thought.

Would be cool to see.

#7 - Fetzo
jeremy would totally crush lfs for its sound .
personally I think top gear should do a feature on LFS - the publicity probably would be very much welcomed by the devs, and if they did a feature on Mr Arcade Smug Racer GT4, then why not LFS?
Quote from dave81983 :
Someone should set him up with a DFP wheel, actlabs shifter and some VPP pedals and get him on LFS with a 3 screen setup using matrox's triple head2go, then we'd see what he really thought.

Would be cool to see.


Surely you couldnt get GT4 working on a pc, the amount of memory and cpu required would be, well , fairly high
heh i saw that episode with the gt4 comparison, funny stuff, he complained the most about being afraid to crash the car if he tried to do as in gt4, i dont remember but i think he was a good 10seconds slower IRL. he also said the corkscrew is scary as hell hehe
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Surely you couldnt get GT4 working on a pc, the amount of memory and cpu required would be, well , fairly high


I said get him on LFS with this setup. not GT4?????
#12 - Jakg
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Surely you couldnt get GT4 working on a pc, the amount of memory and cpu required would be, well , fairly high

only if its emulated, remember that PC's are a LOT faster than PS2's
Not to mention there is yet no ps2 emulators that run completely stutter free. ePSXe2 (or something in that direction) can already start up the PS2 bios/bootscreen and even load a few games, but the fps are something between 1-10fps (even with the top of the line hardware). The PS2 has some technologies (shaders, bump mapping etc) that run off by hardware chips (not by the main cpu) and are very difficult to emulate on PC, and when there's a lot of complicated stuff to emulate that will need lots of cpu power.

I doubt we will see a properly working PS2 emulator in the next 3-5 years.
Bad idea because

1) LFS doesn't have real sports cars (well... RAC of course but I don't think they're interested)
2) LFS doesn't have real tracks
3) LFS doesn't have sound that sounds like a real car
4) Jeremy would just bash it

As much I don't like GTL or GTR, those would be 10x better choices if they're ever gonna consider doing a insert about sim games (other than Crap Turismo).
Quote from Matrixi :Not to mention there is yet no ps2 emulators that run completely stutter free. ePSXe2 (or something in that direction) can already start up the PS2 bios/bootscreen and even load a few games, but the fps are something between 1-10fps (even with the top of the line hardware). The PS2 has some technologies (shaders, bump mapping etc) that run off by hardware chips (not by the main cpu) and are very difficult to emulate on PC, and when there's a lot of complicated stuff to emulate that will need lots of cpu power.

I doubt we will see a properly working PS2 emulator in the next 3-5 years.

Their latest release is a lot faster than the previous one, although games are still definately not playable.
Actually thats not such a bad idea Rubberbrush. (cool name)
However, that's a whole lot of extra work for the Dev's, and i'm sure they've got bucket loads of other stuff to do in S2 before they can even think about adding another car and track.
But, there may be an alternative
I doubt the Top Gear team would be interested in testing a computer sim racing game without being able to compare it with it's real world counterpart, (GT4/Honda NSX/Laguna Seca) essentially it's a car show not a TV computer mag.
So, we have to look at the only car in the game that is......."real", i.e the Raceabout , then we'd have to find a track somewhere in the real world that matches one of "our" track's. I'm thinking along the lines of Phillip Island and Westhill, yeah ?
Therefore, it's quite simple, ask the makers of the Raceabout to ship one of their cars downunder (sorry thats a British thing, i mean Oz), then sweet talk the Dev's into buying Jezza a return ticket on Easy Jet, and, as they say, Bob is indeed your uncle
This isn't quite as daft as it sound's when you consider the amount of money spent on advertising, remember that Bentley spent £10million taking their car to Le Man's for a couple of years, because that was cheaper than having a full scale advertising campaign. And i hardly think Clarkson would refuse a free trip to the land of cold beer and big breasted women, to drive a stonkingly good car around one of the best circuits in the world.

Just think of the publicity for both LFS and Raceabout, and it would only cost a few grand. (maybe)

If anyone was serious about this, then the first step would be to contact the Dev's and ask their opinion, and if you're given the green light, then contact the Raceabout team, (or ask Vic to do it ), then the tricky part, getting the Top Gear team interested, but, where there's a will.......there's always always a way

Any thought's ?, or am i just talking out my rear end as usual ?

[edit] wow 3 more posting's while i was typing that, i need to get my typing finger up to speed
Quote from deggis :Bad idea because

1) LFS doesn't have real sports cars (well... RAC of course but I don't think they're interested)
2) LFS doesn't have real tracks

You only read the thread title, right? illepall
I'd like to see Stiggy take the Raceabout around the TG test track IRL and then compare it to the LFS experience :up: Cool idea! That or they could set up identical skid pan courses in LFS and on a real skid pan, which would save having to model a new track.

We may well be dreaming, but then noone expected a BMW Sauber, did they?
Quote from Jakg :only if its emulated, remember that PC's are a LOT faster than PS2's

Yes they are faster but (cant remeber where) apparently the way a game on PS2 runs is much different that a PC game *which seems to be why games out on PS2 takes a while to arrive in PC*
Apparently, a ps2 games reads its memory and graphical stuff diferently to the pc game. And dont forget even if you got it working you couldnt change the graphics

Just a quick Q - I believe the Xbox 360 has 3x3.x ghz pentuims, so if you had like to x1900xt in crossfire and like 4 gb ram do you reckon you could get say, PGR3 working on a pc?
Quote from Batterypark :You only read the thread title, right? illepall

Do you? Only 3 and partly 4 was already pointed out. And 1 and 2 doesn't have anything to do with this "Think of this: model the topgear track, model whatever crap car they use, give that version away for free on the TopGear site" because that is just not going to happen.

no menipä pilkunnussimiseksi
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I dont know if any of you get the Motors TV channel? I love it!!!

Maybe they would be interested in doing a little "games" programme in the future that should include LFS, as it is a racing sim. Motors TV has so much racing on it, I bet if LFS were to be shown (or even repeated a few times during a week) it would bring some punters in because LFS has that awesome racing edge to it.

Maybe if some league races were to be shown on that channel too you might get regulars tune in to watch it?

hmmmm the possibilities.
Quote from Fetzo :jeremy would totally crush lfs for its sound .

That's so true

But honestly, I think it's a good idea, but I doubt would the TopGear ppl be interested at all. What would this give to them? Maybe if RaceAbout had some 150hp more horsepower...
#23 - Tege
Quote from frokki :But honestly, I think it's a good idea, but I doubt would the TopGear ppl be interested at all. What would this give to them? Maybe if RaceAbout had some 150hp more horsepower...

More power?! Now it has better power to weight ratio than for example Ferrari 360. With 150 hps more it would be close to Ferrari Enzo and with those tyres and with no downforce. What is the point?

But yes I like to see RA on Top Gear after the new car is finished. Problem is who pays.
Quote from richy :I dont know if any of you get the Motors TV channel? I love it!!!

Maybe they would be interested in doing a little "games" programme in the future that should include LFS, as it is a racing sim. Motors TV has so much racing on it, I bet if LFS were to be shown (or even repeated a few times during a week) it would bring some punters in because LFS has that awesome racing edge to it.

Maybe if some league races were to be shown on that channel too you might get regulars tune in to watch it?

hmmmm the possibilities.

Check the schedule for "3D Motors"... That's a racing game review program in which they review all kinds of racing games... And yes, Live For Speed (S1) has been reviewed by them a long time ago.

Quote :
Wednesday 7 june 2006

The game players at Motors TV are kept busy testing the latest video games dedicated to anything racing. Each episode is chalk-full of reports highlighting the very latest and best in virtual motor racing. 3D Motors is the show of reference for this most popular recreation.

Um anyone forgot about LFS's problem of 'open' tracks? Or did you just forget Top Gear is a figure of 8?

LFS needs to be on TopGear
(51 posts, started )