I'm running Snow Leopard 10.6.1, hackint0sh. It's performance is great, I had win xp tested right before pop'ing a new drive, 93FPS no matter how much AA/AF, etc.
9600GT 1024MB GDDR3 card :-)
I had a 8500GT 512MB, super slow card that was broken (overheated), I used windows 7 and FreeBSD 7.2 (WhciH I could run at 1440x900 and some AA and decent FPS)
Now I'm using 1660x1050, I get like 23FPS, quality is shittier on crossover, not sure which wine ver exactly ( I think 1.19?/1.1.19?) of wine it's based on, anyone else?
AF doesn't really change FPS, esp when theres people online it slows more it's like wtf, this systems a core 2 quad... last was a X2 4800 AMD.
Oh and other 3D video games arnt slow
thanks for any help, I want to have this fixed so I can enjoy the new stuff soon without dual booting
9600GT 1024MB GDDR3 card :-)
I had a 8500GT 512MB, super slow card that was broken (overheated), I used windows 7 and FreeBSD 7.2 (WhciH I could run at 1440x900 and some AA and decent FPS)
Now I'm using 1660x1050, I get like 23FPS, quality is shittier on crossover, not sure which wine ver exactly ( I think 1.19?/1.1.19?) of wine it's based on, anyone else?
AF doesn't really change FPS, esp when theres people online it slows more it's like wtf, this systems a core 2 quad... last was a X2 4800 AMD.
Oh and other 3D video games arnt slow