The online racing simulator
Force Feedback aint workin
(11 posts, started )
Force Feedback aint workin
I got a problem since 3 days my ffb is gone and i cant get it back workin
the game crashed until i get serverlist updateted, i needed to cloce it over taskmanager and after that i restarted it and then i dont get any forcefeedback on my controller ( Saitek 2700p Rumble Pad )
I've uninstalled the driver and installed it new but still not workin and i've installed LFS up new but still doesnt work
if someone can help me out with this i would be very thankfull
#2 - dadge
is the rumble working in windows game controller config?
have you tried different usb port?
have you tried a different controller?
Yes yes i have tried it all and in cotroller config ( windowsconfig ) it works on other games it works too i have tried a old controller and there it aint workin too only at lfs
#4 - dadge
have you checked to make sure you haven't accidently turned down the rumble in lfs?
yes and i have unistalled lfs too and reinstalled but still not workin
Make a screenshot from the control section of LFS and post it here.
here it is
Attached images
Hhmm nothing strange going on there
yup i know thats the strange thing i dont have a clue what it is everything was fine until the game chrash and after that it was gone i hope that i got the ffb when i get my new wheel lol
i got it back workin
i had uninstalled every driver in every folder Windows Temp etc and uninstalled LFS and then all back on and now it works again

Force Feedback aint workin
(11 posts, started )