Current Version: 1.4.3
(06/05/10 - 13:50)
(06/05/10 - 13:50)
Hey guys David here with another addition to the most pointless LFS Apps

Here I have a Car Alarm for LFS!! Yes I know what you're thinking... Why would anyone ever ever use this?
Well to be perfectly honest, I dont know... Maybe when a user is AFK they set the alarm and go eat/drink/whatever reason to be AFK
Then if their car is hit or moved then the alarm will start going...
Yep I bet you're still thinking, BUT WHY!!!!!
Again I see on here its not been done.. I love programming.. I could do it.. So I decided to do it (Yep I Was Bored at 2am and decided to make it)
So onto the (pointless? :tilt

Very Simple Messy UI

Car Horn Key: Well that pretty obvious, Your LFS Horn Key

Handbrake Key: Again pretty obvious, Your LFS Handbrake Key

Show /me Messages: Shows "/me Set His Car Alarm!" When you set the Alarm & "/me Deavtivated His Car Alarm!" When Deactivated

Enable Auto-Handbrake: Stops you from moving while alarm is set

The Slider/Alarm Speed: Allows you to make the Alarm sound fast or slow, I prefer fast (250) but maybe some prefer a slower one (If anyone would even use it)
Car Speed: Shows your cars speed in MPH... No need to worry about it its only used for setting off the alarm if the car is moved

InSim Connected Status:To see if InSim had connected properly or not...
Handbrake Key: Space

Alternate Lights: Flash your lights and indicators (turn signals/blinkers) alternativley!
Changable InSim Port: Just incase you need to use a different port

Added In 1.4.1:
Fixed Speed Bug: You can now set your alarm and spec some other players without your alarm going off

More Realistic: As suggested by a few people, To make the program do 1 beep to activate.. And 2 beeps to Deactivate

Custom Messages: You can no use your own Enable/Disable messages

Automatic Disable Timer: I have added an optional feature to automatically Disable your alarm after it has been going off for a set amount of time... Adjustable from 1 Minute to 10 Minutes

Customizable Activation Keys!!: Now you can change what keys you use to activate

Added In 1.4.2:
Variable Activation Speed: Now you can choose what speed the Alarm will activate at... Ranges from 0.1 MPH -- 5 MPH (0.1 increments)
Fized Automatic Disable Timer: No longer 'tries' to disable the alarm when its not been enabled

Added In 1.4.3:
Fixed 'Type Safe': No longer goes off when typing (pressing 't' and 'Enter')
Enable While Moving: The alarm cannot be set whilst moving..

Post your suggestions for other additions

How It Works:
Enable Insim (Type "/insim 29999" ingame)
Open LFSVehicleAlarm.exe
Park your car in your favourite AFK spot..
Use the predefined HotKey - CTRL + ALT + Z
You will hear 2 beeps (activated) - press again.. 1 beep (DeActivated)
When someone hits your car, Doesn't need to be hard, Just a small tap..
Your Car will then Honk and flash its Lights and Turn Signals... LIKE A CAR ALARM!!! DOH

Where Can I Get It? (Who Would :shrug

See the attachments!!
Thanks, Hope You Enjoy Your "Car Alarm"!!