I was an iRacing subscriber for four months last spring, and enjoyed it a lot. I even got a Pro licence just driving the core content and the skippy..! So yeah I raced quite a lot.

While I certainly enjoyed the overall experience, there were some things missing from the core service which I wasn't too pleased with.. for me, the most important things missing were clutch/gearbox modeling and weather/variable track conditions. While I was a subscriber they just seemed to be pouring out new cars and tracks without changing the core service much.
Then a lot of things happened in my life.. long story short, I am currently on a forced simracing hiatus until the summer. All this time I felt very certain that by the time I get back, iRaicing will have had plenty of time to implement the stuff that I was missing. The plan was to jump right back into iRacing and stay there.
However, things didn't turn out quite that way.. even now, a
year later, the core service is virtually unchanged! I think it is a major disappointment that they still haven't been able to implement at least a very basic clutch modeling system... or brake heating... or driver changes... or dynamic lighting...
All in all I'm quite disappointed. And while iRacing has been at a near standstill in this department the last year, things have happened elsewhere in the simcaring world. nKP has seen some major updates and lots of new people are joining, and I already liked the physics better in nKP than iRacing a year ago. Race2Play offers sanctioned and organized racing for all the major sims, so it's not like iRacing is the only place you can find that!
It seems that other sims are overtaking iRacing in certain areas while iRacing itself has stagnated (except for the # of tracks and cars).
However, iRacing has a couple of very strong points which, in the end, I think will probably reel me back in. For me, those are:
- The quality of the tracks. The track surface is just miles ahead of anything else. It really brings a whole new dimension to sim racing,
- The quality of racing. While it is certainly possible to find good clean racing in other sims as well, you will have to look for it. Whereas in iRacing, the standards are very high across the board. I don't know.. the whole atmosphere of the races (including the ever-present SR threat..!) makes it feel more important and more real than other sims.
- The (faint, I admit..) possibility that I might make my way to the iRacing Drivers' World Championship some time in the future and race against the big guns. Well, what can you say, at least it gives me something to aim for

So while I'm disappointed with the development in the past year, and other sims have been doing well in the mean time, I still think iRacing provides something unique which will, eventually, make me re-subscribe.