whos the best and fastest demo racer
(124 posts, closed, started )
faster111 maybe you should put a little note in your signature about your disability so people dont jump on your back and make themselves look stupid. For yours and their sake.
I'm sorry, but the prairie dog that is actually a beaver picture had me rolling on the floor. That was funny.

However, for those that don't know, Google makes a nice little toolbar that works in both IE and FireFox that has a great little spell checker built right in. It works great. I use it all the time.

The point is, if people do not understand what you are saying, you are not going to get the responses that you want. Make it easy for them by using real words. Goodness knows there are enough misunderstandings on this board without using phone speak.
what was it churchill said?

"we shall fight them ..."

hang on wrong quote

"our two countries were divided by a common language "

actually thats quite relevant to lfs as aparently it's a missquote of both wilde and shaw, so no doubt if he was alive today and playing lfs, he would be stealing other peoples skins and passing them off as his own
Maybe you can try Hallen in the XRT

Nassa's best Driver, but not our top Musician.
R u OK, RoonT
Quote from Gunn :I think it's pretty sad how people have jumped all over this guy. YOU might think his question is pointless but after all it is just a question. Some ridiculous responses and attitudes on display here. Where's the harm in him asking this question?

When someone is genuinely inquisitive there is no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid answers. Plenty of stupid answers in this topic.

May I please add they have mainly come from one person, plus the odd post from irregular forum posters. The regular people have either stayed away or added reasonable replies such th84, kev and others.

As I have said in another thread a certain person feels the need to act "big" on a forum and is obviously is using Faster as a way of deflecting criticism from himself.

Faster: Try this mate, it may help you avoid some flak... http://spellbound.sourceforge.net/ or here for the newer version of firefox... http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=351130

EDIT: Just downloaded the above spell checker myself. It works a treat!
Quote from Spudster :look at biggie's speed...

nice edit

That WR will probably be beaten soon. With a slightly better set and a little more luck, 1:09 should be possible

However, I will most likely never race the demo again...
Quote from faster111 :i want to know because there an event an 2 team one where you can win s2 thats why i want to know whos the best in the racer in the demo

I really hope English isn't your first language.
thats a good one thanks
#64 - Jakg
rofl, that vid rocks!
The video inspired me to create part 2
Edit: bah the subtitle doesn't fit... it was ok in the preview version
Quote from ScarySquirrel :I really hope English isn't your first language.

2 mistakes I see in the post you refer to, 'there' should be "there's" and and the second 'an' should be 'a'. I've made far worse typos and can spell perfectly fine. This is quite sad to see someone picking on someone elses spelling.. that's normally the sign they really have nothing to say, don't understand the discussion, or simply out to stir the sh!t.


That movie is awesome
Quote from Sternendaal :That movie is awesome

Well hopfully it will stop the flameing now.
Quote from faster111 :Well hopfully it will stop the flameing now.

You really I find weird people that flame because you says?

What a lovely thread. Atleast that video rocked
Quote from faster111 :well if firefoz had i spell checker then i would but its not got one

If you are that concerned with your spelling, either type everything into Word first, or use Google for the odd words you don't know. But mostly think about what you're typing, a lot of your mistakes are very simple which could be picked up if you read the post before you submit it, or just lazy typing.

Just because I want to see a cat die, what disability does he have? If you say dyslexia I'll back hand slap you to death as that isn't a reason for bad spelling. It is just moving the blame, I'm supposed to have it, but I can't spell because I suck at English, not some bullshit disability.
i got a new lap time of 1.41. something and hopeful i get it more better
do you use a steering wheel? if so what type?
#75 - th84
What diffrence does it make? Are you gonna offer him some help or tip's maybe? You obvioulsy have nothing good to say in either of his thread's, so go spam your own! Or your team forum even! The rest of the prarie dogs are getting lonely!
This thread is closed

whos the best and fastest demo racer
(124 posts, closed, started )