Ok here we go, might aswell
What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: 22
Country: England
Preferred Car/Track: FXR/XFR/FXO, any track with a bit of practice. Doesnt really bother me
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: After practice around 2/3 seconds from WR
How Active Are You? This is where it gets confusing, from now till november at night GMT for sure, maybe not all nights. then after that most days for 2 months in 2 month periods haha
What Kind of Control do you use? g25
Time Zone:GMT
Been playing LFS for a while now and would like to start doing more competetive things.
Hopefully looking for some semi/established team who are willing to take on a relative noob.

Oh and p.s. wont be around much over the next week or 2, as need to sort internet out in my new cave