Plato is the biggest cheat in BTCC by a country mile, and im sure Rob Collard will be saying the same when it suits him to. Year after year Plato does the same things, usually he's one of the frontrunners in the 'lets cut the Thrux chicane to catch up' charts, and just like he showed when Neal was lined up to pass him he'll do whatever he cant to try and stop you passing, and if that means shoving you off he'll do that.
Neal is heavy handed and agressive with his moves, but he's not a blatent cheater like Plato. Neal will stick his nose into the inside of the corner and use the weight to force his way through. No, its not gentlemanly, but its certainly not downright cheating nor a single-minded intent to shove you off the track nowever blatent it looks and then pass it off as perfectly normal when asked, yet Plato cries like a little girl when someone does the same thing to him!
I also find it quite ironic that if anyone in here had done the same thing that Neal did at the chicane, people here would be in outrage at the fact that they werent given room, and that Collard just turned in despite Neal being there.
Collard actually had the cheek to brake early for the chicane to allow Neal to get a meaningful overlap with Kane because he was looking fast and likely to pass him, and if anything he braked too much because Neal had a good 50% alongside him midway through the chicane even before they were close to turning left for the middle which resulted in contact. He tried to create something to distract Kane and get him off his tail, and i guess he didnt realise he had Matt there with a decent overlap, he certainly didnt drive like he knew there was a car there.
Now, i'll admit i dont mind Matt Neal, i have no particular favouritism to him, but i have a hatred of Plato's cheating ass, especially the fact that he does it and acts so innocent and screams blue murder when someone does something to him (Chilton @ Knockhill in '98 iirc), so anyone who annoys Plato and employs the same tactics on him to get past is alright in my book.
My loyalty is to Gio though, anyone who's had a meaningful stint in the Vaux car since John Cleland in the very late 80s, Neal hasnt (i'd count meaningful as 2yrs+ or had a decent impact in those mid-pack years between Cleland, Muller & Gio).
Im sure everyone's seen it, but this is the difference between the 2 drivers:
Neal is a cheeky c*nt, Plato is a cheating c*nt. Anyone who believes Neal is worse than Plato wants their eyes testing, and that includes Collard.