The online racing simulator

Poll : Did you like Round 2?

Closed since :
Could Be Improved
Event 2 - SO Sprint 1 & MRT
Event 2 - SO Sprint 1 & MRT

Whats your opinion about this 2nd event did you think it went well or not let others decide first.


There is no rush this poll is open till the next event (event 3) opens up for qualification.

And What can be IMPROVED list some of the things here.

We do not aceapt ANY abuse against OLFSL staff or Any other racer in this league.


The Results From Race No. 2 (25/4/10)

Pool 7

DD-CopMan (CopMan) - WINNER
DD-Rowpalak (rowpalak) - 2nd Place
Sheepy (sheepyfun) - 3rd Place
onemic (BIGAlusR1) - 4th Place
[FF] Russ Greeno (russraine) - 5th Place

No PTY's awarded, Congratulations to DD-CopMan

Replay from 25/4/10 Race Event 2 SO1
Attached files
^2OLFSL 25^s4^s10.mpr - 1.1 MB - 426 views
thanks for helping, I wont come next time, dont worry.
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Dude the password is there 'in' that was the password, I can see it in your screenshot.
Quote from russraine :Dude the password is there 'in' that was the password, I can see it in your screenshot.

Why wasn't it working then? Not only for me, but neither for Nightracer. We tried to join 6-7 minutes befor ethe race started, but it said wrong password.
Quote :All OLFSL race servers will be online and configured for your race at least 15 minutes before the official race start time. The latest you may join the server is 10 minutes before the scheduled race start time. 5 minutes before the scheduled race start time the server password will be changed and no further connections will be allowed.

I'm truly sorry, but you just were too late.
Quote from varjsa-9 :I'm truly sorry, but you just were too late.

First race you could wait for others, I get it. End of conversation.
This time nothing went right.. I was killed in race 1 in lap3 big crash.. I was almost killed in race 2 but managed to finnish it second from last... Event to forget.
Same here Kamo ...
in Race 1 the trouble started in Turn 1 and they pretty much never ended (hitting walls and stuff).

Race 2 went Ok until i was taken out when 2 other cars crashed ... i didn't manage to turn my car around again and had to quit.

Sad cause i liked the combo ...
Time to get into the next combo ... which has GRASS
Quote from varjsa-9 :I'm truly sorry, but you just were too late.

1. You have waited previous event up to 5 full minuts for another racer. You have previously, despite the by you qouted rules also being in effect, waited for other racers in other events as well - even on me once when I was 3 minuts late.

2. We are talking about pool 1. We are talking about the pole of previous race ànd the race winner of previous race. We are talking about the pole of current race. The racer is well upfront online (I was speaking to him on MSN +20 minuts before the race start and he was making himself ready to race). The racer asked for aid on the official pages and all you said was "It's there look better" - instead of quickly PMing him the password.

Rules are rules and they indeed go for everyone, futue championship winner or pool 6 racer. But if you wait in event 1 for someone who was not even yet online, but not in event 2 for someone who was online asking for help (and not being the only one!), then clearly "rules are rules" is a bad argument.

3. Furthermore it shows in my opinion a lack of respect from the Admin staff towards the racers to start the race knowing very well that the two missing racers are on the OLFSL site asking for help with the bad password. And especially pool 1 polesitter!

My race was decent. Race 1 from 9th to 2nd. Race 2 from 2nd to 1st, but on lap 13/15 my throttle pedal spring went broke resulting in every turn nearly crashing, so I lost position 1 in the prelast lap... Meh. Still got two times 2nd though and had my race pace which I wanted to achieve (55:36-60 times).
Attached images
Dear S.Varjonen or hosts,

I have question about Event 2, Pool6, Race2.
I really not understand why I has not been placed on the grid between other cars at race Restart (race 2 start). I was on the track to the last second after finish of race 1. I never go to spectate or pit/garage during race1 and race2 (from race1 start to finish of race2). After finishing of race1, I did one more lap (my routine after finish) to go the oficial parking place behind the start line (or pit box if exist) (I not did U turn and go back after race, but did one more lap and parked on the parking place behing start line) and stay there until race restart (until race2 started). I seen countdown RESTART 5-4-3-2-1, and all cars were put on the grid, but I stay in the AIR (out view or what). Then I push the HOME key (for go to my own car - it is faster as more times TAB), but I can not find my own car. There were 12 cars on the track. I was surprissed, I quckly find the solution, but there were very short time, because green start were still closer and closer (i has few seconds). When HOME key was not worked, then I check all cars with TAB key, but I can not found my car. Then I know that my car is not on the track. WHY? I really can not reason. Hmmmm... Then only one solution remain. I press JOIN and go. But all cars were started before me more hundred meters around T2. Then I started as last and few seconds behind all cars. I really not know the reason, WHY I was not place on the grid at start of race2, when I were still on the track and not in the Pit or Spectate. This situation happened me FIRST time in LFS (more years LFS racing). Before this, at every start or restart I was still put on the grid, except one cause of this last OLFSL Race2.
You can check it all in the replay "pool6_race2.mpr".
Have you any description for this situation? It never happen me except this one. Remember, that I was not in Pit or Spectate. I has been on the track!
Quote from petervsp :Dear S.Varjonen or hosts,

I have question about Event 2, Pool6, Race2.
I really not understand why I has not been placed on the grid between other cars at race Restart (race 2 start). I was on the track to the last second after finish of race 1. I never go to spectate or pit/garage during race1 and race2 (from race1 start to finish of race2). After finishing of race1, I did one more lap (my routine after finish) to go the oficial parking place behind the start line (or pit box if exist) (I not did U turn and go back after race, but did one more lap and parked on the parking place behing start line) and stay there until race restart (until race2 started). I seen countdown RESTART 5-4-3-2-1, and all cars were put on the grid, but I stay in the AIR (out view or what). Then I push the HOME key (for go to my own car - it is faster as more times TAB), but I can not find my own car. There were 12 cars on the track. I was surprissed, I quckly find the solution, but there were very short time, because green start were still closer and closer (i has few seconds). When HOME key was not worked, then I check all cars with TAB key, but I can not found my car. Then I know that my car is not on the track. WHY? I really can not reason. Hmmmm... Then only one solution remain. I press JOIN and go. But all cars were started before me more hundred meters around T2. Then I started as last and few seconds behind all cars. I really not know the reason, WHY I was not place on the grid at start of race2, when I were still on the track and not in the Pit or Spectate. This situation happened me FIRST time in LFS (more years LFS racing). Before this, at every start or restart I was still put on the grid, except one cause of this last OLFSL Race2.
You can check it all in the replay "pool6_race2.mpr".
Have you any description for this situation? It never happen me except this one. Remember, that I was not in Pit or Spectate. I has been on the track!

Please can you send me the replay and i'll review it and see if this request needs to be passed onto the hosts.
Has (The Stig) taken over the whole OLFSL business, or am i just dreaming?
No Batman and Robin jokes please!
So any official reply please why in round 1 the admins waited full 5 minuts after the official race starting time (also without changing password) for 1 racer, while now the server password was changed full 5 minuts before the official starting time, very well knowing that 2 racers (polesitter pool 1 + 3rd qualified pool 1) were online asking for help on the official OLFSL site and that nothing was done to aid them getting in the race ?

Why is that one racer in event 1 more important than the two other racers in event two ?
GianniC, our rules are quite clear - racers need to arrive early to be sure of their spot. I can't deny that hosts have started the race late on occasion and sometimes have waited perhaps two minutes if a large number of racers were missing.

However on the 24th April in plenty of time before the race start S.Varjonen posted the following on the news feed:

We are running on tight schedule this weekend and there can't be any delays. Therefore we would like to remind that racers should join the racing server 10 minutes before the race start at latest and the server will lock down 5 minutes before start. Make sure You have joined in by then - it is not hosts duty to get you to the server in time. If there are unexpected delays, it will be informed on this site.

This is clear and advanced warning that races would start on time and racers needed to arrive early.


Regarding the password issue - all evidence we have is that the site was functioning correctly and the passwords were available for all racers. There is no way to diagnose or verify your issue. The server password is changed when the grid is formed by our RaceControl software, thus anyone arriving too late to the grid cannot join server. So I can only assume the password was typed incorrectly into the LFS server password box or the drivers in question were already too late. You also suggest that the staff are miracle workers; the hosts are not obliged to monitor the forums or chatterbox just minutes before the race start whilst they are preparing for a race to begin - this is the staff's most busiest time of the weekend. We can only try to promise to monitor it in event of widespread issues (such as server failure) but dealing with any other types of issues with just a few minutes to go is not entirelly possible.
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Has (The Stig) taken over the whole OLFSL business, or am i just dreaming?

Nope I'm just seeing whats wrong with everything hes been saying
Quote from russraine :can't deny that hosts have started the race late on occasion and sometimes have waited perhaps two minutes if a large number of racers were missing.

1 racer - not pole. 5 minuts waiting. Round 1.
2 racers - pole + 3rd. 0 minuts waiting. Round 2.

Time differences were small, but had a huge impact on the race ànd championship! My problem with this is: Why the delay in event 1 and not in event 2 ? Why is appearantly not everyone equal for the rules ?

Quote :This is clear and advanced warning that races would start on time and racers needed to arrive early.

Agreed, and both racers are not entirely free of guilt, however they were more than 5 minuts before the race start trying to get into the server.

Quote :Regarding the password issue - all evidence we have is that the site was functioning correctly and the passwords were available for all racers. There is no way to diagnose or verify your issue. The server password is changed when the grid is formed by our RaceControl software, thus anyone arriving too late to the grid cannot join server.

Perhaps RaceControl was put on too soon ? It is manually put on. If you know that your polesitter + 3rd qualified are NOT there, surely you can delay for 2-5 tiny minuts the start - especially as everything (as first race) was perfectly on shedule. It is in my eyes a bad and respectless decission which as made (to start RaceControl) with such race and championship key figures missing (but who do were online and trying to get in).

[quote]You also suggest that the staff are miracle workers; the hosts are not obliged to monitor the forums or chatterbox just minutes before the race start whilst they are preparing for a race to begin - this is the staff's most busiest time of the weekend.[QUOTE]

No, but other staff are checking the OLFSL site and other. You should all be in contact with eachother and could easily have warned the specific racehost to delay the start or turn RaceControl off again. That is what would have happened if you as Admin staff had respect for your pool 1 racers - cause like it or not, present LFS mentality only cares about pool 1 results, if they care about OLFSL enough to even check it out (eg. compared to Masters of Endurance).
Quote from from chatter :
[FF] S.Varjonen 25-04 15:58 (4:58 PM @server) Race weekend => Passwords. You need to be logg...
B.Perei 25-04 15:57 (4:57 PM @server) cant find the pass for pool 1
L.Kotrocz 25-04 15:57 (4:57 PM @server) WHATS THE PASSWORD?!!!!

Beyond chatter clip above I have no evidence of attempts to join the server or contact the OLFSL staff.

Pool1 Race1 laglap started 4/25/2010 5:01:21 PM
Pool1 Race1 started 4/25/2010 5:02:27 PM
that is 2.5 minutes past the scheduled starting time (which is roughly
the same as Pool1 Host stated in debriefing after race).

Using replay I was able to calculate the exact moment password was changed during the race procedure start. The password was changed 5:00:58 PM, which is about 1 minute after the official starting time - and 11 minutes after the moment racers were told to join in at latest.

The server was set ready, with correct password, several hours before the Pool1 started to allow maximum time frame to join the server in time. Also, the password was clearly visible on site at all times. The first requests for help were already way too late.

These are the undeniable facts. Next will be my explanation of why things were carried out the way they were.

The reason the communication between OLFSL and B.Perei & L.Kotrocz was not continued by me was that I had other pool (Pool2) to host at that time and had to concentrate to give pre-race briefing to racers. In that point there was no time to search details and contact B.Perei or L.Kotrocz. Neither had Pool1 Host time to wait or search for the missing racers (it is not even his responsibility). He had another pool right after Pool1 races and Pool1 Race2 ended roughly 5:38 PM. The server must be configured for next race 15 minutes before race start time, according to our rules, so there wouldn't have been enough time to wait for B.Perei or L.Kotrocz. I hope this is perfectly clear now.

Racers position in grid or pool is not a reason to expect any special treatment - every racer has equal chance to be on server in time or miss the race by being late. No racer is waited specifically even though in first event, due to more relaxed schedule, some races might have started few minutes later. In no circumstances will that justify being late.

Even if "present LFS mentality" only cares about Pool1, we (OLFSL) do care about the other 4-6 pools we host during every event. Personally, I would not compare a league with different concept and different target audience to OLFSL. I don't see what it could prove? The OLFSL has always been open for every racer, regardless of the skill level or present mentality of a racer. Our aim is to always provide the best league experience possible for all pools, not just the top ~20, and I feel that we have been succesfull in that task.

As I wrote earlier, I'm honestly sorry that B.Perei and L.Kotrocz missed their races.

I have nothing more to say about this matter.
Quote from GianniC :1. You have waited previous event up to 5 full minuts for another racer. You have previously, despite the by you qouted rules also being in effect, waited for other racers in other events as well - even on me once when I was 3 minuts late.

2. We are talking about pool 1. We are talking about the pole of previous race ànd the race winner of previous race. We are talking about the pole of current race. The racer is well upfront online (I was speaking to him on MSN +20 minuts before the race start and he was making himself ready to race). The racer asked for aid on the official pages and all you said was "It's there look better" - instead of quickly PMing him the password.

Rules are rules and they indeed go for everyone, futue championship winner or pool 6 racer. But if you wait in event 1 for someone who was not even yet online, but not in event 2 for someone who was online asking for help (and not being the only one!), then clearly "rules are rules" is a bad argument.

3. Furthermore it shows in my opinion a lack of respect from the Admin staff towards the racers to start the race knowing very well that the two missing racers are on the OLFSL site asking for help with the bad password. And especially pool 1 polesitter!

My race was decent. Race 1 from 9th to 2nd. Race 2 from 2nd to 1st, but on lap 13/15 my throttle pedal spring went broke resulting in every turn nearly crashing, so I lost position 1 in the prelast lap... Meh. Still got two times 2nd though and had my race pace which I wanted to achieve (55:36-60 times).

In my 5 years here I have never failed to capture a Qual spot OR had trouble logging in, As a former host I will tell you something that a Host is required to do by the OLFSL Hosts handbook,

The Host Shall at a pre determined time, change the password to prevent other OLFSL members , who, having access to said groups password, cannot interfere.

That's in plain English, if you want the extended version, my very Green friend Solar will step up.

Did the host violate the set time , thus preventing said players from entering?

That is for neither you or I to decide, but I will add, any decision from Solar will be FINAL, <`` that gent is beyond reproach, but he's only as good as info provided, which is also beyond reproach.

It's harsh to say, but , it's not a conspiracy. It was a tight schedule that needed to be met, lord knows the complaints if all pools ran 15 min late. Guy on my team switched shifts to be here, and he's in OZ. Do the math for his time Calc.

I hope I didn't offend anyone here by speaking my peace, I also hope my sets that i post don't hinder you in anyway....

That's a Zexy Skin GC, did you see mine with the OLFSL Badge, I have all 5 years eh.

Don't think me bias because you see "Admin" in my banner. I did my time and was honored with the title, it doesn't give Admin sever or OLFSL rights to me.

Now where the hell is this Rudi Turbo School of FXo at?

Peace out, stay off the grass,
and Kiss my Mother for me if you see her...NO TONGUE!
Quote from AtomAnt :my very Green friend Solar will step up.

I don't want to give the wrong impression but even though Solar has a Hybrid motor car - he is no eco warrior or carbon footprint smasher by any means.

Mind you I'm not really convinced that Carbon Dioxide is actually a problem anyway so in most respects it doesn't matter what car he does or doesn't drive.
As I said before; there is also for sure a blame to be put on the two racers themselfs. I have also told that to Rev myself.

Quote :No racer is waited specifically even though in first event, due to more relaxed schedule, some races might have started few minutes later. In no circumstances will that justify being late.

However my main problem with this is the inconsistency. A noteable large delay in waiting for a racer in Event 1, while barely any delay for two other racers in Event 2. Thus, while I appreciate your reply, I still fail to see an answer to my question: Why the waiting in Event 1 could be done and not in Event 2 ? Cause you were on a tight own caused shedule ? Smaller grids or not, every pool had their big accidents and it is not the racers fault that you decided to go for a tight shedule - hence I'd also put up questions with the need of this tight shedule caused by smaller grids. Perhaps with more racers everyone would have been more careful - food for thought for the next time... It doesn't justify being late, but does it justify the inconsistency ? That one racer in Event 1 nicely has his points, while these two racers, both in battle for the championship, do not.

I also wonder how responsible it is to have no general communication between an extern admin monitoring official chats - forum and the race host. If during these 3-5 curcial minuts that both racers asked for aid on the official channels the race host had been in contact with an external admin to find out what was up with the missing racers, then both could easily have joined in and made the race.

Anyway, all this talking won't aid much. Admins see themselfs in no error, racers see themselfs in no error.

I'm just sad that the championship has already partly been decided on this off-track way.
Ok, you try to fit more than 16 racers to South City Sprint 1 - I dare you

Seriously, you claim that tighter schedule was set deliberately. Why would we do such thing? No - grids were forced to be smaller than usual, resulting in tighter schedule because there were more pools than usual.

The call (or yell) for help came 3 minutes before starting time and 7 minutes after latest moment racers can join server. Additionally, there was several hours of time to find the password. Instead of criticising OLFSL staff you should criticise your team members for missing the race for such a miserable reason.

Quote from russraine :I don't want to give the wrong impression but even though Solar has a Hybrid motor car - he is no eco warrior or carbon footprint smasher by any means.

This is true, I am definitely at fault on many counts (not being vegan is just one of them). I do try, and occasionally succeed at reducing impact.

Solar Hydro
hehe Sol, I wasn't even bringing the Vegan thing into it, you must have feel guilty about it somewhere in that mind of yours. I obviously don't want to discuss your personal life here but I was actually refering to the other modes of transport you regularly take due to your line of work.

I also should state that I am no evo warrior myself - don't want to appear smug or anything.
Quote from russraine :I also should state that I am no evo warrior myself - don't want to appear smug or anything.

Evo warrior?

P.s. Sorry for the ot, could not resist