LFS freezing for a fraction of a second
Hi, so I tryed LFS demo and while playing online it keeps freezing for a fraction of a second when other cars enters my "field of view" i.e. when car gets rendered for first time, as it gets closer to me. Freezing happens also when my, or any other car in my "field of view" crashes, or gets damaged somehow.
When this freezing happens, screen is not rerendered at all, after it, LFS shows some random FPS number, and when again returns back to FPS limiter, e.g. fps goes like this: 100, 100, screen freezes for half of a second, 22, 100, 100.

My system:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E7600 @ 3.06GHz
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4830 512MB
OS: Windows 7 x64

Updated GPU drivers - no effect.
Selected minimum graphics settings in LFS - no effect.
Tryed to change almost every setting in LFS - no effect.

I did a video capture of a problem I have. You can clearly see LFS freezing: LFS freezing
So I managed to somehow reduce LFS freezing by disabling CPU clock throttling (disabled C1E and Extended Throttling in BIOS), but still I experiance some freezing while e.g. driving through pits while there are several cars pitting.
Updated sound drivers to newest version?
From your video posted, it looks to me like the freeze occurs when you get closer to other cars, and the LOD increases at this point. do you use the "multiplayer speed up" option in LFS/Options/misc ?

watched it again and this defo looks like a GFX driver glitch as the detail goes up so trying an older gfx driver (and older DirectX) could fix your problem.

Are you using the ATI CCC ? is so uninstalling and using something like traytools might be a better option for you.

Does this only happen online? try racing with a full grid of AI drivers(with non default skins) and see if you still get the freezes.

Good luck

Quote from cargame.nl :Updated sound drivers to newest version?

No. Using newest microsoft drivers. Maybe will try to install newest realtek drivers.

Quote from SparkyDave :From your video posted, it looks to me like the freeze occurs when you get closer to other cars, and the LOD increases at this point. do you use the "multiplayer speed up" option in LFS/Options/misc ?

Yes, I use "multiplayer speed up". Tried to change distance and Dynamic LOD reduction, but frozing still happened just before car showed up.

Quote from SparkyDave :
watched it again and this defo looks like a GFX driver glitch as the detail goes up so trying an older gfx driver (and older DirectX) could fix your problem.

I doubt, I can install older DirectX version on Windows 7, it comes with v11 preloaded. Maybe will try installing XP on second drive...

Quote from SparkyDave :
Are you using the ATI CCC ? is so uninstalling and using something like traytools might be a better option for you.

Had CCC installed while updating GFX drivers, but uninstalled later, because it got unstable after installing Asus AI Suite.

Quote from SparkyDave :
Does this only happen online? try racing with a full grid of AI drivers(with non default skins) and see if you still get the freezes.

Tried to race offline, before start I tried to loock behind and got same freezing, when racing, it does not freez until you or someone form AI gets damaged, its enough to only slightly touch another car and freezing happens.

#6 - arco
The computer is overclocked, right? Try with it not overclocked.
I don't think its overclocked E7600 @ 3.06 GHz I think thats stock.

Juozas, is your LFS standard or have you updated/installed any 3rd party mods or texture packs?

Have you tried switching AA + AF off ingame and setting in global 3D settings CCC or similar?

If you can install another OS on second HDD even just to use for testing it might be usefull.

Asus Qfan and AI suite have given me probs in the past, I would disable any Cool&Quiet stuff in bios on a gaming PC I like to have full speed CPU all the time.

Here are a couple of other threads with similar/same issues, some have been fixed with new clean LFS installs.

http://www.lfsforum.net/showth ... 5122&highlight=freeze
http://www.lfsforum.net/showth ... 9569&highlight=freeze

Good luck

Quote from SparkyDave :I don't think its overclocked E7600 @ 3.06 GHz I think thats stock.

Thats correct.

Quote from SparkyDave :Juozas, is your LFS standard or have you updated/installed any 3rd party mods or texture packs?

Reinstalled to empty folder as first measure, did not help.

Quote from SparkyDave :Have you tried switching AA + AF off ingame and setting in global 3D settings CCC or similar?

Just tried, did not help.

Quote from SparkyDave :If you can install another OS on second HDD even just to use for testing it might be usefull.

Still thinking about it, guess will do it for testing.

Quote from SparkyDave :Asus Qfan and AI suite have given me probs in the past, I would disable any Cool&Quiet stuff in bios on a gaming PC I like to have full speed CPU all the time.

AI Suite only installed later, when wanted to check current CPU clock. Tried to disable Cool&Quiet in BIOS, but did not help.

Quote from SparkyDave :Here are a couple of other threads with similar/same issues, some have been fixed with new clean LFS installs.

http://www.lfsforum.net/showth ... 5122&highlight=freeze
http://www.lfsforum.net/showth ... 9569&highlight=freeze

Could be onboard sound card problem, but do not have external sound card for testing at the moment. BTW installing newest Realtek drivers did not help.

Quote from Juozas LT :
Reinstalled to empty folder as first measure, did not help.

Try re-downloading, and then reinstall just incase the original download itself is corrupt.

I have been getting the same issue on 32bit Windows 7

my specs are
AMD Athlon 3800+ 64 X2 @ 2.0 GHz
MSI Geforce NX7600GT @ 256 MB RAM (my ASUS EN9600 GT (512 MB) is "broken")
2 GB DDR2 RAM @ 533MHz

Everything suggested to disable in LFS and in BIOS is disabled. Fresh LFS install does not work either. Dynamic LODs are disabled, LOD detail makes no difference.

It happens when cars get in my view or crash, even my own car.

EDIT: the problem may be fixed when I get my GFX card fixed/replaced, as I never had this issue when I first installed W7. I am planning to upgrade to 64-bit later though.

I'm suspecting it's a driver issue on my end. There isn't a driver specifically for my operating system for my onboard SoundMAX, so I used the Vista driver. I also hear a click and a pop every time before the sound of someone going online in Windows Live Messenger plays.

I haven't flashed my BIOS in a long while, and there are updates for my motherboard.
every once in a while my lfs freezes for a split second, but it hasnt caused anything major yet.

i think it is a driver issiue, cause sometimes when joining a server i get a complete gfx card meltdown and it just stopps working even with a friendly error
I had not much issues using wine on freebsd 7

I have no issues with win 7 64bit with core 2 quad/9600 1024MB

I dont use windows live, or any of that crap software tho. I've had doom3 open while lfs and both ran fine.... ram gets low tho
Quote from Zipppy :AMD Athlon 3800+ 64 X2 @ 2.0 GHz
MSI Geforce NX7600GT @ 256 MB RAM (my ASUS EN9600 GT (512 MB) is "broken")
2 GB DDR2 RAM @ 533MHz

The problem may be fixed when I get my GFX card fixed/replaced, as I never had this issue when I first installed W7. I am planning to upgrade to 64-bit later though.
I'm suspecting it's a driver issue on my end. There isn't a driver specifically for my operating system for my onboard SoundMAX, so I used the Vista driver. I also hear a click and a pop every time before the sound of someone going online in Windows Live Messenger plays.

All that is bold, could or is causing that right now.
His processor is not the problem, I had that until few months ago and it run LFS at 40 FPS without problems
im thinking the RAM, with that much ram you are bound to run into some issiues
The issue was resolved when I installed an older driver (NVidia 190.45).

Just to point out from my previous post, everything ran well before, and right after I installed Windows 7 on the same specifications. the freezing did not occur, nor did any random slowdowns occur. My previous operating system was Windows XP.
Quote from logitekg25 :im thinking the RAM, with that much ram you are bound to run into some issiues

I'm running on 2gigs 667MHz and FPS never drops below 60. Only exception is when something is working in bg or if I do something that would slow it...
im on 6 gb and max settings, never seen it below 60 fps, but he has very little so he is bound to have pretty bad frame rate