I was a bit umm confused...
as I have read all the rules and stuff what is needed and I understand them clearly, but I still have these dummy question because I just want to be sure:
1. So if I want to sign-up in this Kyoto 500, I do not need to sign-up in any other race, liek LFSCart. As I understand it is like "combined" for it, but not same? Right?
2. So I can use any skin which requires following rules about car skins? Where I also go to pick-up a number and how it is working?
3. So I just upload a hotlap about KY1/FO8 and if it is enough fast (103%), it is possible I can be in then?
we have thinking about signing up in any event and I was thinking I start in this one. I just love Oval

at least I have done many laps with FO8/KY1 so no worries.
Please someone if can answer to me. No comments about me this is my first time, I am virgin