The online racing simulator
"Could not initialize graphics"
(20 posts, started )
"Could not initialize graphics"
Mid-race, the screen froze, so I alt-tabbed and killed the process. Now I get this stop-error when LFS starts.

I've seen threads about this error mention those occurences were on the very first time LFS ran, but I've been using it without getting this problem before, for a long time.
Is there a way to fix it without recycling the graphics drivers? My graphics card is not in the nvidia drivers' list of supported hardware.
You could try to delete the cfg.txt (or move it to another folder) and Start LFS.
Yep, tried that and it didn't work.
Installed a fresh LFS in a separate directory, and that bugged too.
I uninstalled, and reinstalled the gfx drivers, and it's fixed.
But a friend did tell me he'd had the same problem in the past, and (he couldn't remember precisely) reinstalling certain LFS files was enough.
just installed new drivers, restarted my computer, and lfs gets that message

i tried dissabling my second moniter and still nothing

any ideas? could it be the drivers are corrupt? that seems to happen alot
Reinstalling the drivers is a good idea. If it doesn't help, you might try downgrading to the previous version.
going to try that, another 20 minute download

EDIT: no luck

still the same error, not sure how to fix this
I got this problem with my sound drivers. It was through Windows Update, so I went directly to the speaker manufacturer and downloaded clean drivers there, and all is good.

I suggest you try the same.
i have tried downloading the latest drivers twice, where do i download older drivers?
it should show up in their driver archives on their site. What is the manufacturer of the GPU, ATi or NVidia?

Is it just me or does AMD own ATi? I got to ATi's site and I get redirected to AMD's site.
Quote from Zipppy :Is it just me or does AMD own ATi? I got to ATi's site and I get redirected to AMD's site.

Where the hell do you live? AMD took over ATI years ago
tried moving those cfg files out of the way? (there's two of them)
i found old drivers and still no luck, i did try just erasing my cfg, card file...but no prevail, might as well just try both

EDIT: removed my cfg.txt and it worked again, but i dont feel like configuring everything again, anyone wanna take a crack at figuring out whats wrong
Attached files
cfg.txt - 3.3 KB - 722 views
"Best guess" solution for these I'd say is to change the Window value to something sensible like 0 0 1024 768, and Start Windowed to 1. Then go and change the resolution in options to something other than what it's set to
i took a go at it, and i remembered how the CCC changed my resolution to something a little different, and that was causing it.

you would think it would perform a check instead of just crashing the game

so i changed it and now its better :bowdown:
Quote from logitekg25 :you would think it would perform a check instead of just crashing the game

Improvement Suggestions

I agree, it would help and stop posts like these (nothing wrong with them, just theres so many relatively simple ones that could be automatically cured) and make the LFS experience better, and more professional if it can diagnose itself.
i have made way too many useless threads that dont add much, so maybe we could just request a stickied thread of easy things like this to quickly troubleshoot your if it has this error, if your controller isnt working, or more
Nah, go add it. I think its a useful idea and I'd back you up.
i think we should ask a mod to just make a sticky thread and put it in technical assistance, that has a bunch of things to check for before asking a question
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"Could not initialize graphics"
(20 posts, started )