Random SW failures and damages is NOT best way. I NOT support this idea. Because there are many other components, what can get failure: PC HW, SW, OS, Drivers, USB connections, Wheel/Joystick, many other connected PC and controller peripherals, internet connections, servers, and many other in real life... - I have many experiences with these failures during the race, and it is very unvanted and unpleasant, if you dropped out from race due to some HW or SW failures. But you can take it as random car failures in real life. In real life there are some random failures on the real car. But at virtual race-sim there can be also random failures with HW, SW in real life during race, and not need programmed it to LFS code. I have more experiences with these type of failures, and I can not finish more races due to these HW,SW failures, it is very unpleasant. There is not need programmed random failures in the LFS algorithm, there are enough point of failures with the HW, and SW in the PC and controllers in the real life.