Well yeh, hi 
I'm a demo racer at the moment but i will be buying S2 as soon as some money issues get cleared up.
I'm not a "Crasher" or any of that immature nonsence and i'm not one for randomly abusing someone who has crashed into me (unless it is one of them immature crashers) and always say sorry if i have hit someone. If i gained a their position due to my accident, i let them past me and continue the race.
My main reason for this post is to ask if anyone has any tips on how to get mid-range 1:20 laps on Blackwood. Personally i have managed 1:28 on a few occasions but I've seen many who can do 1:27 and a few 1:24's! I've tried changing options like 'throttle blip on upshift', breaking later, using / not using the racing line and many different sets but still no difference.
But yeah, any help will be great. Hello once again (sorry for a long-ish post) and hope to see you on S2 soonish. :thumb3d:

I'm a demo racer at the moment but i will be buying S2 as soon as some money issues get cleared up.
I'm not a "Crasher" or any of that immature nonsence and i'm not one for randomly abusing someone who has crashed into me (unless it is one of them immature crashers) and always say sorry if i have hit someone. If i gained a their position due to my accident, i let them past me and continue the race.
My main reason for this post is to ask if anyone has any tips on how to get mid-range 1:20 laps on Blackwood. Personally i have managed 1:28 on a few occasions but I've seen many who can do 1:27 and a few 1:24's! I've tried changing options like 'throttle blip on upshift', breaking later, using / not using the racing line and many different sets but still no difference.
But yeah, any help will be great. Hello once again (sorry for a long-ish post) and hope to see you on S2 soonish. :thumb3d: