The online racing simulator
Just saying hi :)
(19 posts, started )
Just saying hi :)
Well yeh, hi

I'm a demo racer at the moment but i will be buying S2 as soon as some money issues get cleared up.

I'm not a "Crasher" or any of that immature nonsence and i'm not one for randomly abusing someone who has crashed into me (unless it is one of them immature crashers) and always say sorry if i have hit someone. If i gained a their position due to my accident, i let them past me and continue the race.

My main reason for this post is to ask if anyone has any tips on how to get mid-range 1:20 laps on Blackwood. Personally i have managed 1:28 on a few occasions but I've seen many who can do 1:27 and a few 1:24's! I've tried changing options like 'throttle blip on upshift', breaking later, using / not using the racing line and many different sets but still no difference.

But yeah, any help will be great. Hello once again (sorry for a long-ish post) and hope to see you on S2 soonish. :thumb3d:

Hi and welcome!
Which car?
I can manage (just about) mid-1:20's in the BF1. Well, most of the time...
someone said, just let the laps "flow"and times will improve allmost automaticly.
thats what i tried this morning on a mrt serv. (land Of The Free)-(didn't like the mrt till this morning, beacause of the mouse steering and fast spinning characteristics of that combination)...
the best times were around 1:51.xx on South city (with the loong straight), i tried and tried, and after (somewhat 40mins) a long time my times oscillated (stupid dictionary) around 1:53.xx
Whoops, forgot to mention that.

It's the XR GT TURBO.

Love it to bits :P (better than the XF GTI in my opinion)
good advice, keep it smooth and stable, slow in, fast out, the seconds will fall off
#6 - _rod_
I dont race much the demo combos, but if you post a replay of you doing a few laps with the XRT round BL1 im sure that many will help you. Most important thing is, what kinda of controller you use? Mouse? Wheel?
Uploaded a replay of an online race. For some reason, in single player I hardly make a 1:35 but online i fly along. :S

BTW my gamename is "Dave ==||==" in the red and white car. (staring last)

In any case, i have a Saitek P2600 RUMBLE joypad (see below)

Use the left analogue stick for stearing and the right analogue stick for throttle and braking.

Attached files
BL1_race_5L_0R_1F.mpr - 666.5 KB - 262 views
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Hey, well according to my Join Date it says June 05 so i guess just before then, :P but i've only picked it back up in the last month or so.

I've tried all of what you said above and I've noticed my 1st sector time is reducing slightly. I can just about get a mid / low 29 where as previously i got high 30's and upwards.

I think my main problem is the fear of spinning the car and possibly losing the race. I dno why that is but i know i drove like that on games such as GT1-3 and the TOCA series.

Braking later might take a while for me. When i do brake later i either go off or the car decide's it wants to do a 360.

But a big thank you for the reply though dude. Helped me so far :P

Definatly thinking of getting a wheel seen a few nice ones online (DFP and the Logitech G25 for example) but may need to save for that one :P

#9 - SamH
PCWorld (ugh!) are selling Saitek R220 wheels at the moment for £20. It's not the best wheel out there by any stretch of the imagination, but for £20 it can't be beaten.

For £20 you get some of the best "console" pedals going, and you get a wheel with very good accuracy (some of the other budget wheels don't work by potentiometer but a 12-point switch system, which you DONT want. The R220 goes by potentiometer which is a big ). It would be a step up from the rumblepad mostly because of this accuracy, allowing you to gain confidence as you increase the "connection" between you and the car, thus allowing you to "attack" the corners more assuredly. You lose the rumble, but that doesn't actually give you anything to SAVE you from an accident, it only confirms the smear you can SEE you made on the barrier.

You can't beat force feedback for "connection" though. If you could stretch to a DFP, it's worth it. Whatever you do, though, DONT buy THAT wheel from PC World. The price is ridiculous. On the web it's £79.98, but SOME PCWorld stores (not all) are trying to flog it for £99. You can buy it online, delivered for just over £60 if you shop around.

Wheel or licence.. wheel or licence.. wheel...! The devs won't thank me for saying that, but my personal recommendation is to get a wheel first and keep saving for the licence. Most of the reason for this is that, when you DO get a licence, you'll pretty well need that wheel straight away. If you get a wheel on demo, you'll hit S2 running. I think you have an objective already in mind, and at the moment it extends only as far as a track/car in demo anyway, so I figure it's best to pick off your challenges one at a time. Hence.. wheel first.

Good luck!
Ive not looked at the replay, but this has always helped me:-

Do some laps in hotlap mode, get to your fastest.
Watch the world record hotlap closely, braking points etc
Do some more laps, you should save at least 1 second straight away.

Mind you, I'm slow so what do I know?
Quote from RoCkBiGdAvE :Braking later might take a while for me. When i do brake later i either go off or the car decide's it wants to do a 360.

Im no expert but that sounds like a set up problem to me (hopefully one of the real set up people will correct me if im worng) BUT
If brakes bias is set to far back could cause this as you lock the rear wheels. So maybe try puttin brake bias further to the front.
Also if differential is a clutch plate it can cause the cars to turn when you are one the brakes. So try making the diff locked which it seems is still an advantage on lfs.
Please note though that im no set up wizzard but im sure thats right.

Also try team inferno (link in my sig) for set ups.
welcome to LFS, once you get your license you will love it even more!
Ah nice, another decent bloke:hyper:

But anyway, i cant see how anyone can give you many tips really... Just drive and learn, its that simple. I started running 1.32's within 2 weeks first time i joined (XFG @ Blackwood) but only because i wanted to be the best, and i was racing very fast drivers (Private fusionracing server). So just go out and learn the track, and learn from your mistakes! If you aint coming off the track, you aint going fast enough

Yeh, and dont buy that Saitek wheel illepall You'll probably get sick of its fugly looks and childish feelGet a driving force pro, its thick and beefy and looks the part. It rumbles nicely too, but i think thats just a dark fetish ive yet to discover
Quote from SamH :You can't beat force feedback for "connection" though. If you could stretch to a DFP, it's worth it. Whatever you do, though, DONT buy THAT wheel from PC World. The price is ridiculous. On the web it's £79.98, but SOME PCWorld stores (not all) are trying to flog it for £99. You can buy it online, delivered for just over £60 if you shop around.

Yeh i know, PC World is a rip-off store most of the time but that is a huge price difference

Quote from ButterTyres :Watch the world record hotlap closely, braking points etc

Where can i get that from?

Quote from Greboth :Also try team inferno (link in my sig) for set ups.

o.O i never knew a site like that existed. Thanks

On the wheel note, i just remembered that i have a Lotus one. (for xbox) Click Me If i was to get a xbox to PC adapter, would this work? Temp untill i can get a decent one?
Actually I printed off a tonne of prices from the web, went down to PC World and got them to price match it for me. They were going to match it to the price of amazon but the guy on the till was a bit silly and matched it to the price of ebuyer and it was £60.

Doesnt hurt to ask them.

We got 2 DFP for 60 quid each, one was faulty so we looked on the web for stores that had some (we cleared out my local shop of DFP stock) once we found one that had one, I think we may have phoned up their hotline to find a store with one in stock, we headed over there and swapped it for a new one.
Yes would indeed work, my old wheel was a Playstation 1 wheel, so i hacked the cables up on that (was feely ultra cheap) all you need is some USB -x- XBOX converter and some generic drivers to run it. I might have just the drivers you're looking for too!

My DFP was from - Ordered it along side my new pc just a few days ago £65 including delivery i think it came to or there abouts!
slightly cheaper with but I hear their returns arent great, although I've never had to return anything to them myself.
To download the hotlaps, go to, them go to hotlaps, on the top of the page that will open click on hotlap charts , them find the combo you wish and download it .
Quote from _rod_ :To download the hotlaps, go to, them go to hotlaps, on the top of the page that will open click on hotlap charts , them find the combo you wish and download it .

Ahh nice one mate. Cheers.

Just saying hi :)
(19 posts, started )