Finally a reply
Ok guys as you can probably see my first post was very basic (i was quite new to s2)
im still very much looking for drivers
A few things you might want to know:
also any questions please ask
[NRT] Finlaar
Ok guys as you can probably see my first post was very basic (i was quite new to s2)
im still very much looking for drivers
A few things you might want to know:
- my main server is; ![AMG] GTR MotorSport
- The team so far has no members
- We are not involved in any leagues yet, however i am a regular on the ![AMG] EventServer
- hopeing to get into leagues when drivers are interested in becoming members of the team
- Main cars for the team will be FXR,XRR,FZR
- Type of car reflects my interest in the BTTC and DTM style of racing
- My main track will be Aston National (AS3) howeverthis may change is requests are made
- Im looking for Average-Good Standard of drivers who should have a reasonable experiance of the cars or track. My PB on AS3 is 1:42.72, so around that kind of mark.
- appealing to drivers who are coming up the ranks and want to be part of a team.
- Hoping to build up the team and one day maybe have a touring car server of our own.
- be relativly comftable with FXR,XRR,FZR Cars
- Have a reasonable experiance of the S2 game
- also have abit of expericane in fair play and close racing
- Your Name
- Country
- Favourite Track and Car
- And finally your best time in either a FXR,XRR,FZR car on any track
also any questions please ask

[NRT] Finlaar