Why dont add to the Thread tittle "TAG`S"?
Like [Drift] for drift videos ,[Race] , [Gameplay] ,[Others]
cuz is a wast of time for some ppl enter to a thread , load a vid on ytb, and you find is a doriftonozzvideo, and you wasted Precious secconds of your life that could be used for watch pr0m or check fbi files, or do other nice stuff
Just my thoughs
Watcha think?
Good idea?, bad idea?, A hugh?, a cookie?, ban more time the banned acount of shadoowwww?
Like [Drift] for drift videos ,[Race] , [Gameplay] ,[Others]
cuz is a wast of time for some ppl enter to a thread , load a vid on ytb, and you find is a doriftonozzvideo, and you wasted Precious secconds of your life that could be used for watch pr0m or check fbi files, or do other nice stuff
Just my thoughs
Watcha think?
Good idea?, bad idea?, A hugh?, a cookie?, ban more time the banned acount of shadoowwww?