Hey guys!
This is my 3rd G25, first one gear-box problem... second it burn, don't ask me how cuz I don't know... both saved by warranty, now I have the 3rd logitech g25...
Last week it starts spiking the throttle (same thing append to my old Logitech MOMO)..
I made a search about this problem and was here in LFS forum I found that people solved the problem...
So with carefull I started to clean the Logitech MOMO and after that the wheel run very well like brand new!
Thinking that the G25 was more complicated I dedicate about 3 hours carefully cleaning it.
After that the work was worth it the wheel was back again on Racing!!Yesterday I make a one hour of Kyoto National and the stering wheel goes like new again!!
I would like to thanks all the people that contribute me and others to solve the problem. Without you guys my Virtual Racing was over!!
Thanks!! Keep up