The online racing simulator
Brakeless time attack?
(11 posts, started )
#1 - Fox 2
Brakeless time attack?
So some guy on our russian forum created a thread, where he proposed to try and do a fastest possible lap on BL1 STD without using any brakes. And it turned out to be a very fun challenge. Also, the time, which we archived (so far; competition is still in progress there) is actually quite amazing, i'm pretty sure noone would've guessed it's possible to go as fast as... 35.68!

So here's my XRG replay, done on 720 (hard, but teaches you good control), H-shifter, clutch, the usual stuff. Also i wanna point out that i'm driving with max FF, at least with most road cars.

Definitely possible to go faster, my TB is 35.4, but i still can improve technique, plus i'm by far not the fastest anyway, so would be interesting to see your times and techniques. Have fun
nice lap mate
#3 - G!NhO
Thats pretty amazing driving.
That's just AMAZING!
Nice lap!
#6 - Hahmo
That's pretty amazing o.o
The method of slowing down after the long straight is genius. And show's great car control. Hats off to you.
This is awesome, it was perfect!
#9 - Fox 2
Thanks guys, didn't expect such feedback

About 360, well, did it mostly cause it's uberkewl, but also this is a pretty good way of slowing down (in fact it's often easy to slow down too much), and it is easier for 720, cause with wild understeer/oversteer method you need very fast and precise wheel movements, which I just can't do (lot of time just overshooting the turn or spinning out).

But there's still lots of room for improving, I think, T1 was far from apex, 360 not perfect (too slow and too far from the left curb), rest of the lap is good, but can shake off .2-.3 using better lines.
hahahaha FOOOOOOOOOOOX, you are quite crazy!

it was a perfect lap. Congratulations

Brakeless time attack?
(11 posts, started )