selling LFS in stores would make some more sales:
- some people buy for example presents (anyone realise how much of a years sales is done in Christmas period? it's HUGE!)
- teenagers do not need to have bank account or credit card, but they do always have cash
- not everyone is reading game magazines and you can not have a review of your game every single month, some people just go to the store, see what's there, sometimes ask and decide what to try out
- game laying on the shelf all the time is kind of advertising itself
- every single copy sold in the new market areas is also advertising (of course we assume the product is good and customers like it)
- in general every time you make your product more available to your potential customers you should expect more sales, this is called distribution
and in fact the more product you sale the more profit is connected with single copy, so it woluld not make it more expensive in the long term
but the problems are:
1. you need to invest money to get this higher profit, and this is what the devs propably can not afford at the moment
2. you should distribute a normal, finished product if you want to sell it to anyone who can just grab it from the shelf not knowing what it really is and this is not possible with LFS itself at the current stage
IMO the best what could be done now easily to distribute LFS is getting a deal with some wheel controlers manufacturer, including a demo CD in the controllers' box with some discount code for the lincense could really boost the sales, as the distribution would be perfectly targeted