The online racing simulator
2010 Kyoto 500: Practice Session Protests
Please submit protests in exactly the following format, or they will be rejected.

You will have 24 hours from the completion of each session to file a protest.

Session Number and subsession (example: Session 1, Race)
Lap of inicdent
Timecode of incident
Cars involved
Brief description of incident

No discussions here, those will be deleted. No protests unless your car is directly involved. If you want it checked, protest it, don't expect us to check stuff automatically.

You will be able to find session replays in each session's thread, in the OP.

Session Decisions:
Session 1 - Session 2 - Session 3 - Session 4 - Session 5 - Session 6 - Session 7 - Session 8 - Session 9 - Session 10
Session Number and subsession: Session 1, Race
Lap of inicdent: 20 something i believe ( waiting on replay to be posted )
Timecode of incident: ?? not sure what you are asking for here
Cars involved: 2 ( 927 and 23 )
Brief description of incident: Was simply catching up to the pack under S/C and I was rammed behind by car #23 causing me to spin under S/C...then was not allowed to pass back into the posistion i was currently in.
Practice race May 20th

Lap 62

Goonie and Benni

Was given 30 sec penalty for bumpdrafting. If I didn't bump Benni a little we all would've wrecked because of carrerra gt driving erratically. Safest thing was to bump benni a little through the turn.
Session 1

927 overtaking under the SC @ 16 mins and also at 17:25 for no good reason
927 not giving a damm about the local yellow or the cars that have slowed for the incident @ 43:20
18b not obeying local yellow @ 50 mins
(CARRERA GT) DELETED by dekojester : no discussion in protests thread :|
(major_syphillis) DELETED by dekojester : no discussion in protests thread :|
(lamerr) DELETED by dekojester : no discussion in protests thread :|
Session 1

Quote from VECCHIONI :Session Number and subsession: Session 1, Race
Lap of inicdent: 20 something i believe ( waiting on replay to be posted )
Timecode of incident: ?? not sure what you are asking for here
Cars involved: 2 ( 927 and 23 )
Brief description of incident: Was simply catching up to the pack under S/C and I was rammed behind by car #23 causing me to spin under S/C...then was not allowed to pass back into the posistion i was currently in.

Car 23 - no session credit for causing an avoidable incident under safety car, one addition session required.

Quote from major_syphillis :Practice race May 20th

Lap 62

Goonie and Benni

Was given 30 sec penalty for bumpdrafting. If I didn't bump Benni a little we all would've wrecked because of carrerra gt driving erratically. Safest thing was to bump benni a little through the turn.

Penalty was issued due to discussions of bumpdrafting earlier in the session and miscommunication regarding the accuracy of the reports. The penalty will not be held effective.

Quote from boothy :Session 1

927 overtaking under the SC @ 16 mins and also at 17:25 for no good reason
927 not giving a damm about the local yellow or the cars that have slowed for the incident @ 43:20
18b not obeying local yellow @ 50 mins

Car 927, no session credit for overtaking under safety car. Also addition of one extra required session for failure to exhibit sufficient knowledge of rules and procedures.

Car 18b, Car 121 - no session credit for failure to heed local yellow flags.

Car 255 - No session credit for failure to unblock messages after multiple administrative requets as well as reckless driving after the finish, on the cool-down lap.

Car 69 - no session credit for failure to exhibit knowledge of rules and procedures.

All drivers who finished the race, unless mentioned above, will receive credit for attendance.
(imaquad) DELETED by dekojester : no discussion in protests thread :|
Session Number and subsession: Practice Session 2, Race
Lap of inicdent: Lap 23
Timecode of incident: around 23:00 minutes
Cars involved: 99, 16, 100
Brief description of incident:
#100 completely fails to slow down whatsoever (240 kph) when approaching the end of the queue during a caution, running into #16 and #99 at full speed.

Session Number and subsession: Practice Session 2, Race
Lap of inicdent: Lap 43
Timecode of incident: around 40:00 minutes
Cars involved: 99, 44, 69
Brief description of incident:
A multi-car draft which was going well, until #44 decides to change his line even if it could clearly be seen #99 was next to him throughout the corner and the exit of Turn 3. #44 forces #99 off the track, the latter runs into #69 afterwards as a result of the crash.

Session Number and subsession: Practice Session 2, Race
Lap of inicdent: Lap 43
Timecode of incident: around 41:00 minutes
Cars involved: 71b
Brief description of incident:
#71b fails to slow down and does not obey the order to stay left for the caution and straight runs into the Rescue Car.
(imaquad) DELETED by dekojester : no discussion in protests thread :|
Session Number: Practice 2 Race
Lap of inicdent: lap 3
Timecode of incident: 4.35 onwards
Cars involved: 69, 26, 07, 32
Brief description of incident: Not sure if you allowed to do this on the start but jack (07) blasted past the whole of the row in front of him before the s/f line...

Session Number: Practice 2 Race
Lap of inicdent: Lap 9
Timecode of incident: 12.35
Cars involved: 26, 43, 88
Brief description of incident: when pulling out of the pits, Boothy (43) dosen't check to se if i'm pulling out and pulls straight into the side of me, don't causing much damage but nearly pushing me into the back of Ori Antika(88)

Session Number: Practice 2 Race
Lap of incident: 13/14
Timecode of incident: 15.18-28
Cars involved: 88, 26, 59
Brief description of incident: Coming off turn 3 Ori (88) blocks the inside line forcing JJ(59) to take avoidance and having slight contact. Into T1 he continues to block JJ(59) again and moves down into him forcing him into the Apron slowing both of us down in avoidance and sending Ori off into the wall.

Session Number: Practice 2 Race
Lap of inicdent: 19/20
Timecode of incident: 20:44
Cars involved: 59, 26, 41
Brief description of incident: Chebbi (41) overtook both me(26) and JJ(59) before the s/f line...
Session Number and subsession : Practice 2 , Qually
Lap of inicdent
Timecode of incident
Cars involved
Brief description of incident
Penalized , because of a dodgy app ?
I'd just like to know how Chris Ford decided it was my fault car 707's hotlap got screwed , when all i did was follow the direction i was given , as i see it i didn't waste any time exiting the pits , used the whole pit exit , so when i seen car 707 i think i had every right the assume he was on his inlap , because no person or app should be stupid enough to put me in the way of a hotlapping car , so why was i penalized ? & to those who said "its only a practice" , ok , so why did we bother with qually at all ?
(imaquad) DELETED by dekojester : no discussion in protests thread :|
Quote from mk1golf :Session Number and subsession : Practice 2 , Qually
Lap of inicdent
Timecode of incident
Cars involved
Brief description of incident
Penalized , because of a dodgy app ?
I'd just like to know how Chris Ford decided it was my fault car 707's hotlap got screwed , when all i did was follow the direction i was given , as i see it i didn't waste any time exiting the pits , used the whole pit exit , so when i seen car 707 i think i had every right the assume he was on his inlap , because no person or app should be stupid enough to put me in the way of a hotlapping car , so why was i penalized ? & to those who said "its only a practice" , ok , so why did we bother with qually at all ?

We tell you to go when the system calls you to minimize delays.

It is the responsibility of the car exiting pitlane during qualifying to avoid interfering with any car on track, should there be a chance for it. The system is set to call out when it does for efficiency of the session. There are multiple settings, but may other drivers in the two sessions came out around the same time without issue. The other settings that I can set will either put too many cars on track at once, or make the session run extremely slowly.

If you had not done that half-slide when you were exiting your pitbox, the spacing would have been fine.

Experiment just done (mpr of such attached) shows that if a driver leaves within a second or two of being called, and minimal delay to actually rolling away, you'll have anywhere between a 5 and 10 second gap ahead of the car you'll be ahead of. That is perfectly sufficient, also seeing as the car you're just ahead of is half a lap away from their run finished, and it gives you clear track to warmup in.

Essentially, if everything goes the way it does, if you join and start moving within 1-3 seconds of the application calling you, the spacing will be fine.

No need to change the system.

In regards to the penalty, it is a practice session too much should not be read into it. In official qualifying for the race, there will be no possibility for conflict and blocking, as you will be the only car on track for your run.
Attached files
qualisystemideal.mpr - 186.7 KB - 342 views
So when we'll know the descision about that Push car crash?
Session Number: Practice 4 Race
Lap of inicdent: 54
Timecode of incident: 47:46
Cars involved: 26, 40
Brief description of incident: not so much a process just a clarification on the subject of blue flags deko. Just wondering about this one.
Session 2

Quote from elliot1992 :Session Number: Practice 2 Race
Lap of inicdent: lap 3
Timecode of incident: 4.35 onwards
Cars involved: 69, 26, 07, 32
Brief description of incident: Not sure if you allowed to do this on the start but jack (07) blasted past the whole of the row in front of him before the s/f line...

On the initial start, overtaking is allowed from the green flag. This maneuver is legal.

Quote from elliot1992 :Session Number: Practice 2 Race
Lap of inicdent: Lap 9
Timecode of incident: 12.35
Cars involved: 26, 43, 88
Brief description of incident: when pulling out of the pits, Boothy (43) dosen't check to se if i'm pulling out and pulls straight into the side of me, don't causing much damage but nearly pushing me into the back of Ori Antika(88)

No penalties, but a reminder that cars making pit stops should travel to the furthest down free pit box. Drivers on a stop should check mirrors / use looks before reentering the fast lane.

Quote from elliot1992 :Session Number: Practice 2 Race
Lap of incident: 13/14
Timecode of incident: 15.18-28
Cars involved: 88, 26, 59
Brief description of incident: Coming off turn 3 Ori (88) blocks the inside line forcing JJ(59) to take avoidance and having slight contact. Into T1 he continues to block JJ(59) again and moves down into him forcing him into the Apron slowing both of us down in avoidance and sending Ori off into the wall.

Warnings at 59 and 88, for avoidable contacts resulting in an incident.

Quote from elliot1992 :Session Number: Practice 2 Race
Lap of inicdent: 19/20
Timecode of incident: 20:44
Cars involved: 59, 26, 41
Brief description of incident: Chebbi (41) overtook both me(26) and JJ(59) before the s/f line...

Car 41, warning for overtaking before start/finish.

Quote from LianeS :Session Number and subsession: Practice Session 2, Race
Lap of inicdent: Lap 23
Timecode of incident: around 23:00 minutes
Cars involved: 99, 16, 100
Brief description of incident:
#100 completely fails to slow down whatsoever (240 kph) when approaching the end of the queue during a caution, running into #16 and #99 at full speed.

Car 100, exclusion from session plus one additional session required for an avoidable incident under safety car.

Quote from LianeS :Session Number and subsession: Practice Session 2, Race
Lap of inicdent: Lap 43
Timecode of incident: around 40:00 minutes
Cars involved: 99, 44, 69
Brief description of incident:
A multi-car draft which was going well, until #44 decides to change his line even if it could clearly be seen #99 was next to him throughout the corner and the exit of Turn 3. #44 forces #99 off the track, the latter runs into #69 afterwards as a result of the crash.

Car 44 - One extra required session for causing an avoidable incident with car 99.
Car 99 - One additional session for failure to anchor the brakes while spinning.
Car 28 - One additional session for failure to heed local yellow flags from LFS.

Quote from LianeS :Session Number and subsession: Practice Session 2, Race
Lap of inicdent: Lap 43
Timecode of incident: around 41:00 minutes
Cars involved: 71b
Brief description of incident:
#71b fails to slow down and does not obey the order to stay left for the caution and straight runs into the Rescue Car.

Car 71b - Three additional sessions for avoidable incident under saftey car.
Car 40 - Two additional sessions for excessive speed under safety car leading to an incident.

Other decisions:

Lap 28, incident involving cars 26, 28, and more:
Car 28 - No session credit for failure to anchor on brakes while spinning
Car 100 - No session credit, two additional sessions for failure to heed local yellow flags

Unless listed above or classified as a DNF, you will receive session credit for this session.
Session 3 - all drivers in attendance receive credit.
Session 4:

Quote from elliot1992 :Session Number: Practice 4 Race
Lap of inicdent: 54
Timecode of incident: 47:46
Cars involved: 26, 40
Brief description of incident: not so much a process just a clarification on the subject of blue flags deko. Just wondering about this one.

LFS blue flags in this event are merely warnings that you are with cars a lap or more ahead. You do not have to give way unless I or another race admin post your car number and blue flag in chat. Of course, you are still obliged to not interfere as much as possible regardless, and use your best judgement to determine whether or not to allow them through or try to stay with them. Lapped cars are permitted to race with leaders in an effort to regain their lap back, but if there is major impedance occurring, administration reserve the right to ask the lapped car to move.

Other stuff from Session 4, that wasn't handled in-race:

Car 40, One extra session for causing an avoidable incident on the start

Car 100, Two extra sessions for causing an avoidable incident under safety car.

Car 16, Warning for the incident involving Car 08 on lap 24
Car 51, Two extra sessions for causing an avoidable incident under safety car with car 16.

Car 33, Warning for causing an avoidable incident with Car 121 on lap 49.

The following cars will not be credited with attending this session for violation of the inlap speed limit that was announced: 23, 26, 31, 40, 59, 100, 121.

Unless mentioned above, or being classified as a DNF, all cars which finished will receive credit for attending Session 4.
(UnknownMaster21) DELETED by dekojester : no discussion in protests thread :|
Session Number 5
Lap of inicdent 17
Timecode of incident 18:57.55
Cars involved 06, 707
Brief description of incident:
06 pass cars in pits on left then knocking 707 around in pits.
(prOmo_LTU) DELETED by dekojester : no discussion in protests thread :|
Session Number: Practice 8, after practice race.
Lap of incident: 12/13
Timecode of incident: 13:17
Cars involved: 26, 23, 40
Brief description of incident: several times Matonis (40) blocks the inside line, no problem your allowed to do this however it does cause me to put the brakes on a tad. On lap 12, 23 runs wide at T3 and catches the wall as we catch up 40. 23 takes the outside line around T1, i go to the inside. 40 then proceeds to move down into me in an attempt to block me when i am already alongside. at 13:17.15 you can clearly see his steering wheel turning into me.

Also an apology to Liane is in order. I thought there was more room at the kink than there was and i moved down into her. Thats my mistake apologies.
Quote from elliot1992 :Session Number: Practice 8, after practice race.
Lap of incident: 12/13
Timecode of incident: 13:17
Cars involved: 26, 23, 40
Brief description of incident: several times Matonis (40) blocks the inside line, no problem your allowed to do this however it does cause me to put the brakes on a tad. On lap 12, 23 runs wide at T3 and catches the wall as we catch up 40. 23 takes the outside line around T1, i go to the inside. 40 then proceeds to move down into me in an attempt to block me when i am already alongside. at 13:17.15 you can clearly see his steering wheel turning into me.

Also an apology to Liane is in order. I thought there was more room at the kink than there was and i moved down into her. Thats my mistake apologies.

Protest rejected. The race after the free-practice was not an official part of the session, and therefore will not be considered.
Well,for your information,if you would look more from before from my view,i'm starting to turn left much earlyer than you start passing me,and btw,you haven't got damage or smth...And that race is not protestable,if it would be i would protest your stupid move on lap 24/25 when we where 3wide and you squeezed us with Liane and later told "Oh i was brushing outside wall"....
Session 5

Quote from imaquad :Session Number 5
Lap of inicdent 17
Timecode of incident 18:57.55
Cars involved 06, 707
Brief description of incident:
06 pass cars in pits on left then knocking 707 around in pits.

The majority of this incident is a conflict between cars still entering pitboxes and cars exiting. Car 06 causes the most severe issue, by failure to lift. Cannot issue a penalty - the driver is currently on an exclusion from NDR events.

Other stuff:

Car 63 - Warning for causing an avoidable incident with Car 41 in Turn 1 on Lap 15

Car 44 - One additional session for causing an avoidable incident and failure to brake after an incident with Car 08, in Turn 2 on lap 28
Car 63 - One additional session for failure to heed local yellow flags and the scene ahead

Car 44 - One additional session for failure to lift for an incident ahead involving Car 06, in Turn 2 on lap 43.

Car 258 - One additional session for causing an avoidable incident with car 16 in Turn 2 of Lap 57, along with failure to apply the brakes while spinning.

Unless mentioned above, all cars which finished the race will receive session credit.
Session 6

Car 40 - Extra session required for causing an avoidable incident on the start. As this is repeat behaviour, Car 40 is in jepardy of NOT being approved for the event even after meeting all entry requirements, unless a massive improvement in behaviour is seen.

Car 31 - Warning to check mirrors and/or looks before making a move. (Re: incident with Car 08 in Turn 3 on lap 9

Car 707 - One additional required session for failure to attempt to slow car after an incident. Car 707 runs into Turn 1 wall, and turns left while accelerating, causing a major accident with Cars 16, 44, and 77.
Car 16 - One addition session required for failure to brake or otherwise slow for a spinning or stopped car ahead.

Car 117 - One additional required session for causing an avoidable incident with Car 58 in Turn 3 exit on lap 33.
Car 58 - One additional requried session for failure to lift or brake for a spinning car ahead.

Multiple incidents involving Car 06 during this and previous sessions warrant adding all reported incidents being applied as justification for the driver's NDR-wide exclusion.

Unless mentioned above, all cars which finished the session will receive credit.
Session 7

Car 44 - One additional required session for causing an avoidable incident with Cars 32 and 77 in Turn 3 on Lap 5.

All cars which finished, unless mentioned otherwise above, will receive session credit.

Session 8

All cars which participated in Session 8, the official free practice session, will receive session credit.
Session 9

Car 29 - One additional required session for causing an avoidable incident with Car 08 in lap 13.

Car 34 - Two additional required sessions for failure to hold brakes while spinning, leading to additional incidents.
Car 26 - One additional required session for failure to heed local yellow flags

Car 26 - One additional required session for failure to hold brakes while spinning, leading to another incident.

Car 44 - No session credit for failure to sufficiently slow down on inlap after chequered flag, leading to a major incident.

Unless mentioned above, all cars which participated and finished in this session will receive credit.
Session 10

Attempt 1:

Car 118 makes two contacts with Car 29 in turn 1, the second causing himself to spin. Both Cars 118 and 29 slide up the track, collecting more cars.

Attempt 2:

Car 29 has cars 114 and 18 to his outside, as car 103 comes inside. There is room on corner entry, but car 103 clips the grass, and moves a slight bit up the track. Car 29 moves slightly down, both touch and go into the wall, collecting all but three cars.

Attempt 3:

Car 26 moves to the left of Car 118. Both make contact, and start to spin. Many other cars become involved.

The following penalties are issued:

Car 118 - 4 additional sessions for causing an avoidable incident on Attempt 1.
Car 29 - 2 additional sessions for failure to comply with red flag procedures as well as distracting behaviour in Ventrilo during session time.
Car 42 - 1 additional session for reckless driving under a red flag on Attempt 2.
Car 114 - 2 additional sessions for failure to heed yellow flags to any extent on Attempt 3.
Car 103 - 1 additional session for chat in red flag periods.
Car 111 - 1 additional session for chat in red flag periods.
Car 18 - 1 additional session for chat in red flag periods.
Car 118 - 1 additional session for chat in red flag periods.
Car 40 - 1 additional session for chat in red flag periods.
Car 23 - 1 additional session for chat in red flag periods.
Car 16 - 1 additional session for chat in red flag periods.

The following drivers will receive credit for Session 10 for following procedures and other proper behaviour exhibited:

Car 08 - Kevin Myers (z-ro 8)
Car 44 - Eric Smith (BlackRider)
Car 58 - Sebastian Hutchinson (seb66)
Car 116 - Jorge Alberto (NISMO_1985)
Damn,i haven't chated during red flag until chat was open....

E: Could i get timecode of replay when i chated?
Quote from prOmo_LTU :Damn,i haven't chated during red flag until chat was open....

E: Could i get timecode of replay when i chated?

Chat was never open during the red flag situations.

You chatted during the first red flag, in the lobby screen, as the serverlog.log file shows. Permission had been granted to one driver to speak, that only applies for that driver. In the future, all of those requests will be denied. There will be a time for questions before we restart, and that will be announced.
Session Number and sub session: 13 race
Lap of incident: 51(a actual incident) Every other lap terrible driving.
Timecode of incident: All race
Cars involved: 116
Brief description of incident: Fairly questionable driving the entire race.
This thread is closed