I have a problem with _any_ fanboys.. but does seem to me that LFS has the most rabid ones (granted I don't look at any of the $limebin forums).
I never try to discourage people from trying / liking LFS. I have my gripes with some issues of it, it also has a lot of potential too and I commend 3 people taking on such a task of developing something like this.. but this is just my general impression of many and it only seems to have gotten worse.
There's a thread here somewhere I was involved in recently _discussing_ (for a change) the pros and cons of mainly LFS and rF, but this was a mature and pleasant discussion and comparison of the areas of the games, not just titles and / or developers. A few days later another thread showed up with the usual "rF is crap, LFS iz teh bestest!!111one". Obviously this is an LFS forum so people here are going to be more inclined to like LFS, but so many unfortunately seem to think that LFS is it, there is no other anything and god help you if you criticise it in any way! These are the same people who were telling me back in S1 days that "LFS has perfect physics! STFU!".. but seems funny how they get a little more "perfect" with each patch

_Nothing_ is perfect, damn.. even the devs know this, but you can't tell that to some here unless you're wearing teflon undies.
As for anything said on RSC, that must have been some time ago as I've long had my account revoked by the so called "admins" (hah) not that I care.. but it's nothing particularly recent.
I feel the same way about rF fanboys too and how rF is oh so perfect. Sure, it's my sim of choice right now mainly because of the modability and me looking more into 3D work.. but it's far from perfect and I replied to a mail the other day to someone complaining about the state of their releases atm (with the beta patches with some incompatibilites with the current stable release).. while ISI are providing pretty good support IMO in some areas (one of the devs has helped me out via PM / mail with some issues).. LFS still has customer support bagged IMO, as I said in the mail I sent.
Maybe it's my fault again by trying to see things through logical eyes.. I just don't get how people can become so obsessed over a computer game.. whether it's LFS, rF or Joe Schmoe's Smoking Guns.. it's a game, no more, no less. We all joke about about that "outside place".. but damn, sometimes i think some people should seriously consider investigating it.
As always, just my £0.02 worth anyway, take it or leave it