In game info for setup or settings
Hi, I think it would be great to have text information pop up or scroll across when you hover the mouse over a button, for a vehicle setting or also for game options. If i remember correctly Gran turismo does this in both car setup and options menu. I think it would make the learning curve easier for newcomers and increase efficiency and speed of setup even for the hard core racers.

It would be great to have a detailed explanations of the effects of a setting on the cars handling, its pro's and con's and how it may be related to and effect other settings. It just makes things a touch easier because not everybody will know things like what parallel steer is or what effect the preload has on the lsd, or that camber changes with ride height, not to mention all the other geometry that changes when you adjust something like Castor. or in the controls options not everybody will know what the wheel turn compensation does. So does anybody support this??
I would say both YES and NO

YES, it wolud be great to give people this knowledge as easy as possible
NO, I don't think it is possible to cover this topics properlly in small popupus all over your screen whatever button you rollover

just look at the current setup guides and try to imagine them in this kind of pop-ups
but LFS is for sure lacking even such a simple thing like an extra button caled "Manual" in the main menu that would open the existing wiki, doesn't take much time to code but it could really help, both the newbies, and... the LFS sales
How about an encyclopedia like in DCS and LOMAC?
Decent amounts of detail on the particular and a search function so you can search for key words.
Quote from pandera :I would say both YES and NO

YES, it wolud be great to give people this knowledge as easy as possible
NO, I don't think it is possible to cover this topics properlly in small popupus all over your screen whatever button you rollover

just look at the current setup guides and try to imagine them in this kind of pop-ups
but LFS is for sure lacking even such a simple thing like an extra button caled "Manual" in the main menu that would open the existing wiki, doesn't take much time to code but it could really help, both the newbies, and... the LFS sales

Is not nesesary that the info pop-up instantly, you can keep the mouse cursor for 5 seconds and a small text pop-up saying the info that you wanna know, also should be adjustable to "Show info" or "Dont show info" in some part in the options menu, or adjust the time in secconds you need keep the mouse over the piece of the setup for the pop-up menu apears.
the real problem is the size of the pop-up vs the amount of information needed to make some real learning effect
my point is that only small pop-ups won't help that much, there is to much knowledge behind all that, and we need all this knowledge to be served easily for new players and accidental demo users
IMO the pop-ups should be considered as a notification of larger topics, but not as the manual itself
I don't see why a little general info shouldn't be included. It doesn't need to explain terms or anything, like the guide does, just the expected effects of changing the numbers. For the most part the generic stuff can be covered in a few sentences. It's more to function as a reminder than complete instructions.

Would also be useful if it had a clickable link to the guide page(s) as well, for anyone who wants to learn it all properly.
Quote from Dajmin :Would also be useful if it had a clickable link to the guide page(s) as well, for anyone who wants to learn it all properly.

that's one of the options, just like I said before: "notification of larger topics"
I am not saying they should not be included, no harm done if they were, but they will not make the big difference if this will be the only change, just one or two sentences in a pop-up simply won't do the trick
- if you are a newbie this won't really tell you what to do
- if you already know what it is about then you don't need it

they should be some kind of notification and should encourage people to learn this stuff from a proper manual that should be somehow integrated with it

all I say is that to make a real difference the whole concept should go a step further
Forza has a paragraph about each setup value which explains in very simple terms what the expected results are from changing it. That's enough for me (and I know nothing about setting the cars up properly) because if I want to reduce oversteer I know where to start.

Obviously a lot of them in (for example) the suspension will cause various additional effects, but that can be mentioned without going into specifics. And those would be covered on the main guide.

I don't know if any newbie wants to be forced to study pages and pages of text on a Wiki just to be able to start. Using my own lack of knowledge, all I want is a simple guide saying "this is more or less what to expect when you fiddle with these numbers - check here for full details".
Quote from pandera :they should be some kind of notification and should encourage people to learn this stuff from a proper manual that should be somehow integrated with it

in what other words, will you try now, to convince me to something I have already written before?