F1 to return to the US in 2012
(85 posts, started )
F1 to return to the US in 2012
Odd choice of venue
Texas? What did Bernie drink?
#4 - JJ72
Probably more a push from Austin's authority than Bernie's own idea.
It's interesting though, could bring a different look to the usual Texan Stereotype. But we have every reason to expect very poor attendence and coverage in the first 5 or so years.
Texas... hmm? I think they just wanted to get one of the tilkodroms... and where better to be then in texas. Maybe Bernie was just put a gun on his cheast by some Texan ranger.
when I read the title I was like

but then I saw texas...

i'd still go tbh
As long as it's not funded by the public purse (I imagine as it is texas I doubt it will be ) I can't wait to see what they come up with. Let's hope Tilke isn't involved in circuit design and construction. Summit new please


They could just use the road course at TMS? ALMS used it in 2000 IIRC

$10 says it's s Phoenix-a-like
#9 - 5haz
Not the first time F1 has visited Texas.
History tells us it's a bad idea to drive open topped cars around Texas.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :History tells us it's a bad idea to drive open topped cars around Texas.

Lincoln aren't competing, we're safe
Quote from DieKolkrabe :Lincoln aren't competing, we're safe

wasn't it been Kennedy? Lincoln was the one in the theatre

But IIRC he drove in a Lincoln made limo
Quote from DieKolkrabe :Correct

But IIRC he drove in a Lincoln made limo

oh man... that couldn't go well a president shot in a car called like a shot president before some enthuisasts start a flame war against me, because a Lincoln might be named after the founder... that's why I said called LIKE and not called AFTER
Quote from TFalke55 :oh man... that couldn't go well a president shot in a car called like a shot president before some enthuisasts start a flame war against me, because a Lincoln might be named after the founder... that's why I said called LIKE and not called AFTER

Somehow I think that theory got shot full of holes
I'll get my coat
#16 - 5haz
TBH Austin is a really nice city, easily the best in Texas for culture, food, nightlife, etc. It's smaller, prettier, and would be a really nice place to visit. I just can't see it drawing huge numbers like the proposed NJ or upstate New York track would. I hope it's a permanent circuit and not a street race. God knows they've got enough land. And yes, no Tilke please.
Oh, looks like it will be purpose-built. I guess I really need to read the whole article before commenting. :P
It should be interesting. Hopefully they don't hold the race in the middle of summer like the last F1 race in Texas.
Quote from Intrepid :As long as it's not funded by the public purse

you should try placing your needle a few grooves further youve got a nasty needle jump inducing scratch there somewhere
As long Tilke is not allowed to be involved...

Who am I lying to? Of course he'll design it and it will suck :weeping:
I think they chose Texas because it's a fairly central location in the US, if they put it on the east coast(which I wouldn't mind ) then the west coasters would all whine, same goes for if they put it on the west coast. Good choice IMO, I've been to Austin, nice city.
I pray it is not another public road course, yes one or two in a season is fun, but 4 or 5 is just stupid, Although I was very, very impressed with Yas Marina, Singapore is terrible, and don't get me started on Valancia, not worth going into detail .
Not saying it will be a public road course, but we all know how Berni likes his racing these days.
Quote from jakeeatworld :I pray it is not another public road course, yes one or two in a season is fun, but 4 or 5 is just stupid, Although I was very, very impressed with Yas Marina, Singapore is terrible, and don't get me started on Valancia, not worth going into detail .
Not saying it will be a public road course, but we all know how Berni likes his racing these days.

If you'd read the article or the thread, you'd know it's going to be a purpose-built circuit.
I don't know, this may be a good market for F1 racing in America. TMS has been one of the most supported race tracks for NASCAR so I don't see why Formula 1 cannot do just as well in the area.

I don't know the requirments for an F1 track or anything as I'm lucky to get the coverage of an F1 race here in the USA, but I would have liked to see a place like the Daytona Road course get a race.

There's already tons of seating there anyhow

Better yet the Oval track could play host to F1... Nah, never mind on that one.

F1 to return to the US in 2012
(85 posts, started )