Airio 2.4.1 is released and available for download and update. Very soon I'll be sending the update also to Franky of 500servers, then it should be available there as service update.
FREE: This update contains mostly corrections of some previously existing inconsistencies, but also separate display of online (
!pr) and offline (
!hl) personal records, as well as new configuration items to specify what race join checks are ignored from what limad level.
FULL: There is a new
!hls command showing summary of all uploaded hotlaps. Similarly to
!prs (showing online best laps) you may limit the display to certain tracks/cars/both. In
!pl output newly a two-letter countrycode of individual drivers is shown in light blue color (if available and recognized).
PROS: This version contains probably the most important and interesting update, simple (for now) support of data storing similar to LFS World, but concerning
specific custom cars, which are standard cars with restrictions (air intake, additional mass). The database is called AIR World,
AIRW for short. Every lap finished in a restricted car is sent to and stored/updated in a database. If a defined custom car is recognized a message announcing new AIRW personal best (PB) can be returned and displayed on server. Completely clean laps (no grass, always on the strictest proper path) go also to hotlaps table and new best times in recognized cars are reported back as new AIRW world records (WR). Both personal (online and hotlap) and global (WR on each stored track/car combo) tables are returned on request in a format mimicking the one used by LFSW, downloaded by Airio and combined with LFSW data. This means all data commands such as !pr, !prs, !hls, !wr will recognize custom car types and display corresponding real data, not just recalculated values as before. For more info see Airio
changelog. If this addition proves to be reliable and usable, it may be extended.
As usual, it is not possible to check all the updates in every detail and under every possible configuration, so any reports concerning troubles with 2.4.1 are welcome. Otherwise, enjoy!