I am just really curious: How was the host? Did it lag, was it good, was it bad(connection-wise)? Was it acting normally(as in normally, I mean as good as a rented server, from.. let's say 500servers)? Or did everyone lag like sh.t? Or maybe lagged at times? I think you've got the point by now.
Tbh, I kind of expected that.
But did they get the LAG (x.yz) thing on top of their cars?
Also, if the bales were hit too often, it sure would lag, cause you know... When "Too many physics objects" message appears some computers freeze up or start lagging awfully. ;p
Or was that just not the case? ;d;d
same for me, i had like a freeze when the message too many physics objects appears.
For the lag, we cannot determine, everyone had his personnal lag, but not too much. During the jump no lag, just the talent
I think, the server was hosted by alienserve, unfortunately, alienserve is now getting closed
No, it was hosted by a friend of mine. In the office of his parents. It's a pretty tough machine. With a strong connection too. But the quality is not that perfect outside of Bulgaria.
I have 2 videos but they're 165 and 170MB... I need to find a way to lower the size a bit...
EDIT: What audio codec do I have to put to make the sound working?