Bored of the F1 car?
(84 posts, started )
#26 - Vain
Quote from RSchumacher :There are some leagues who run at least a few races with it.
I see you're from germany, so take a look at this: ... 86588b34af17038a3b5eaef31

Hint: Get yourself a league-area on this forum. That'll help to get more attention for your league.
(Perhaps I'll join you. That depends on how the leagues I'm currently in develop.)

Finally! YES i am bored of the BMW! its ugly, and boring! it goes waaaayy too fast, its about memorizing the track and counting the miliseconds between the turns.

Not what true racing is! I've had more fun racing the UF1 than this BMW.. and its not just cause i cant drive the BMW, i CAN!, its just not fun imho.
#28 - Jakg
bored of it, its good for a thrash but its waaay to quick for me and most of the other players youll find on a public server!
I don't race the BF1 because I hate the high FOV and don't like the virtual mirror. I think the solution would be to allow the wing mirrors to be moved like the rear view mirror can be adjusted in the other cars.
Hardly raced the BF1 tbh (or LFS at all for that matter). Still finding much more fun in the road cars, and rediscovering MRT5 / FO8.
You're just a bunch of wussies, almost as bad as oval folk.
I set under a minuted on Bl so i'm really into it.
It's quite hard to NOT go under a minute at Blackwood, so it's hardly proof you're 'into it'.
I working to try reaching 52 at BT, only got 53.50 atm, and that is, like 2 sec? behind WR. I am happy with my times when they are 1 sec or less, between the WR of the track\car

But back to topic - I like the BF1 still, raced it pretty much oval, BW but aswell SO classic.
OH MY GAWD it`s wicked on SO1, hahah I racing 5 min and then I need to take my look away from screen for 2 mins, and just look up in the air lol, to relax
That speedfeeling you get at SO1 (SO classic) with BF1 ( F1 car lal) is amazing, and I am glad I using 3th person veiw, if not I would go insane when looking from the ( I not going to write it, because I will spell it horrible wrong.. ok cockpit? ).
After racing it some time at SO track I belived there wasn`t possible to do it faster. Simply because I was like full trottle every corner and very late braking, but to my sadness I saw that one was pulling 1 sec faster lap times. How do people manage to go that much faster, when you allready are driving on , and over the limits? :S

But anyway, back topic, sorry for jumping all over subjects, just not easy to descripe your feeling for that car in 1 sentence.
It`s a beast, and it demands discipline of steel, thats why I think it`s good, only the best drivers can manage to focus the whole race with it. It brings LFS to a new lvl, and a new gaming experience, it`s getting much mroe intence..

I like it, but fear it
As the huge Mitsufumi san said:When I drive it F1 CHALLENGES I get very sick, in fact I throw the vomit and urine when race!! But it have good physic and sound.
I think it could almost happen to me.
i'm still working on my lap at BL, i need to fix my braking in t1 and the last 90 degree right hander.
Also i need to get a wheel instead of this crappy joystck(should be called "madstick")
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
I personally love the BF1. It's the only car I've been racing seriously since it came out. The speed is so addicting I get bored racing anything slower. The reaction time it takes to drive that car at a competitive level could be tiresome for some but for people like me it's an awesome challenge that brings tons of excitement. Just got back from racing it on westhill for the first time and I must say it was more scary than fun hahaha, couldn't even see some of the corners until i hit the apex. EXTREMELY fun though!
#38 - SamH
I'd guestimate that I probably drive the BF1 as much as I drive most other cars, now. It was the first thing I got in after the patch release, but it was rather like being a kid in a candy shop, and I made a firm decision to pace myself. After a couple of hours finding out what driving the BF1 was all about, I began venturing into other vehicles to see what the tyre changes had done. I found myself gravely frustrated initially with the understeer in the road cars, and being the impatient soul I am, tended to wander back into the F1 for another spin rather than try to figure out what was wrong with my old setups and set about fixing them.

Now I have developed setups that make me competitive in the GTRs, the LX6 (which I've fallen head over heels in love with) and the FOX again, I think I'm back to where I was, usage-wise, pre-patch, but with the BF1 pretty well replacing the FO8, which I've not driven much at all since the patch. I do plan to, though. It's one of those things I have planned as a treat, for when I've finished a particularly difficult work project.
drove it around in singleplayer for a bit, went online..had two races, both crashes by idiots and people who cant drive...never touched the car again until i can find a bf1 race with people who can drive, im fine for now
hate to split hairs, but F1 cars don't stop so fast because 'the brakes are good' but because they have gigantic eff-off tyres. Just about any modern car (certainly any modern _racing_ car) has brakes that are more than sufficiently 'good' to make the contact patches of the tyres the limiting factor in stopping power.
think the correct term is "brakes are so effective" - meaning lots of things - tyres, car's weight etc all working together to make them effective.
Quote from AdamW :hate to split hairs, but F1 cars don't stop so fast because 'the brakes are good' but because they have gigantic eff-off tyres. Just about any modern car (certainly any modern _racing_ car) has brakes that are more than sufficiently 'good' to make the contact patches of the tyres the limiting factor in stopping power.

It's because of the downforce actually. There is no way you would be able to brake at anything like 4g without the aero aids, the tyres alone wouldn't get you above 1.5g, if that.
Yeah, F1 drivers litterally stamp on the brakes and then ease off as the speed and df reduces
#44 - Jakg
Quote from sgb27 :It's because of the downforce actually. There is no way you would be able to brake at anything like 4g without the aero aids, the tyres alone wouldn't get you above 1.5g, if that.

i did a test with g's and deceleration, with no downfroce (i think) i got about 2-3 g's under braking, but with full downforce i pulled 8.73 gs!
Quote from sgb27 :It's because of the downforce actually. There is no way you would be able to brake at anything like 4g without the aero aids, the tyres alone wouldn't get you above 1.5g, if that.

Don't forget that any car brakes quickest at high speed, since you not only have the tyres grip to slow you down, but air drag. With the massive drag of the wings/undertray on the BF1, combined with the low weight, I think you can easily get over 1g of braking, before even touching the slow pedal.
Quote from Bob Smith :Don't forget that any car brakes quickest at high speed, since you not only have the tyres grip to slow you down, but air drag. With the massive drag of the wings/undertray on the BF1, combined with the low weight, I think you can easily get over 1g of braking, before even touching the slow pedal.

Indeed, if you are at the top speed using all 700 horses, as soon as you lift off you have 700 horses of drag pushing back on you. Just tried the BF1 at about 200mph (no wing), and sticking it in neutral gives 0.6g of "braking".
Good point, should have mentioned the downforce also. In any case, we all agree that the actual mechanical brakes don't have much to do with it
Quote from ButterTyres :think the correct term is "brakes are so effective" - meaning lots of things - tyres, car's weight etc all working together to make them effective.

That is actually false, as "Brakes" being the first noun in the sentence becomes the subject of said sentence. The correct wording would be "The car has effective braking."
maggot: precisely . when you phrase it "the brakes yadda yadda", it really does sound like you're talking specifically about the real physical brakes, not the whole effect of braking.
Quote from Rappa Z :I set under a minuted on Bl so i'm really into it.

Um my AI can do under a minute in F! at BL1

Bored of the F1 car?
(84 posts, started )