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FlashForward [Official Thread]
(19 posts, started )
FlashForward [Official Thread]
Anyone is whatching the series?

Now season 1 is completed and was a great end. can wait for the second season

Plus, i`be read in Imdb that one of the directors is brannon braga ( star trek TNG , Star trek enterprise, 24 ,Star trek Voyager, and movies of star trek franchise)

Now i know why i`m stick to the seat with flashforward
Yes it's great, nice idea.. but i gotta say it's not better then Sons of Anarchy, The Big Bang Theory, Entourage...
Terribly acted and plotted. One of the worst shows on TV at the moment, rivaled only by V.
I like it due to that however, it's cheesy and a good escapist watch.

Plus I can't figure out WTF is going on half the time
FF has been canned so no season 2.
ABC insists that the shutdown is not a death knell for FlashForward, but rather a logical break to give the writers room to “maintain the high quality of the show.”

Read it from some ABC blogs and A few good sources
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Terribly acted and plotted. One of the worst shows on TV at the moment, rivaled only by V.

Huh? We watching the same show? I've been loving FlashForward, it's awesome. Not seen the final yet, as it's not on until Monday night in the UK.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Terribly acted and plotted. One of the worst shows on TV at the moment, rivaled only by V.

Omg i think the same way. Both shows are terrible.
Quote from AstroBoy :Omg i think the same way. Both shows are terrible.

Are you sure?, cuz the rating of the series was exelent.

At least is better that fringe ( Yeah a copy of xfiles but without aliens )
I looooove the show, but i have not been able to see much of the 2nd season. Which sucks but i can always get a boxset
Love it, but stupidly missed the last two episodes
#12 - Byku
Quote from AstroBoy :Omg i think the same way. Both shows are terrible.

Got to agree. Didn't like the show, was sometimes illogical.
How come everyone's flashforward isn't just themselves going "Hey, I remember this from 6 months ago!"?
Quote from Crashgate3 :How come everyone's flashforward isn't just themselves going "Hey, I remember this from 6 months ago!"?

That is a very good question, and one that renders the whole series totally pointless
Quote from mookie427 :Love it, but stupidly missed the last two episodes

Five on Demand has the last month or so: Flash Forward Season 1

I've been enjoying the series. I think any series that starts off by blowing up America is a good one.

I don't usually watch cop/detective shows because I think they're dull and formulaic but Flash Forward doesn't conform to the usual draft of murder mysteries (which lets be honest are rarely a mystery). FF gets around being predictable by being slow to reveal its plotlines and instead keeping your interest with explosions. I like this approach.
i found it boring and stopped watching it. same for heroes. dull dull dull.
Is there anywhere that I can watch these online, from the beginning?
Just watched the last episode. I enjoyed it, but am quite annoyed that none of my questions were answered. Seems the whole ending was just them setting up the mystery of season 2. And all the people who are saying this is shit can go and die.

FlashForward [Official Thread]
(19 posts, started )