The online racing simulator
TBO@AS3 on Sat May 29th 4PM GMT
(3 posts, started )
TBO@AS3 on Sat May 29th 4PM GMT
Would be nice to see a few people show up tomorrow (Sat) at 4PM GMT for the TBO race at AS3. FXO has 3% intake restriction. No registration, just show up and drive! Looking for a small but decent crowd so we can have an interesting live stream and commentary which will be broadcasted to the public.

LIVE STREAM HERE (you will see the stream during the race)


See you guys tomorrow!
I'll try to be there I love FXO's anyhow, noon EST right. (Only problem with time is some americans will probably be getting ready for the Indy 500. If I can make it I'll be there and get a mid-pack finsh probably.
Awesome stuff.

And thanks for the airtime :P

TBO@AS3 on Sat May 29th 4PM GMT
(3 posts, started )