The online racing simulator
steering whell problem / help me please !
I have buyed SmartBox V9 steering whell for pc.

I adjusted Steering and throtle
but brakes I can't

here is the problem: ( I will try to explain )
on this picture :

throtle is axis 3
ok ...
but when I go adjust brake lfs "reads" brakes same as throtle (axis 3)

and then everything ****'s up !
Is there any way to change in game that axis 4 be brake ?

hope you understand my big problem
...btw I checked my whell on nfsu2 and it works great ....!

sorry if my english is bad ...!
help me pleaseee ...
Is there a specification page for your wheel? I couldn't find one, its made by Volan, right?

In your screenshot it shows the Accelerator/Brake as "seperate". But in windows, it maybe used as "combined".

If the wheel has a program, try and see if there is a "combined pedals" option. Make sure that is not selected.

If there isn't a program for the wheel; Try Control Panel > Game Controllers and try the setting there.

^ Hope that helps...
in manual only is this for pedals:

I dont got any program only driver (installed)

in control panel I dont have any options about pedals

btw I have Win 7.

The "Pedal L" and the "Pedal R" are both in the Y axis. Your wheel got a combined axis for throttle/brake.

You need to select "combined" axes for Throttle/Brake axes.

Since you've selected "seperate", LFS wouldn't allow you to select brake on the same axis as throttle (Axis 3 in the 1st image, Axis Y in the 2nd image).

Just select "combined" and reconfigure the axis.
then when I do that:

when i relase throtle automatically car brake
we need change something that lfs don't "reads" throtle and barke as same axis

how to to that ?
You cannot make LFS to read throttle and brake separately because your wheel apparently doesn't support it. At least that's what I get from the manual you posted. I believe you just have to recalibrate the throttle/brake axis in LFS to center it properly.
I'm gonna help him on croatian... Nothing is going to happen this way.

Prebaci si na hrvatski, bit će ti lakše... Vidim da si stavio na odvojene osi, sad moraš stisnuti rekalibracija osi u LFS-u i sve one "C" tipke pokraj osi, onda zaključaš osi da ti se ne bi rekalibrirale u igri. Kad to napraviš trebalo bi biti normalno.
Ako ti ne budu radile pedale kad zaključaš osi, onda izađi iz garaže s bilo kojim autom, lagano stisni gas (ali da auto lagano krene, ne u leru), pa napravi rekalibraciju i zaključaj osi. Tako je bar kod mene bilo dok mi je volan radio...
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