I started reading some of this thread and thought, no, football won't interupt my LFS'ing at all, I'm in the US. Soccer/Football isn't watched or enjoyed at all over here (no offense). Then I continued reading and got really confused. All the talk about the drunks and hooligans watching football and I began to think you were talking about American football, LOL:drink:. So, what is it? Soccer or American football? Because you all are describing the American football fans perfectly talking all about the drinking and rowdyness

Then of course, Nascar comes up. And then shortly after, Nascar bashing. Please say "I'm not fond of Nascar, I find it boring" not "Nascar is boring", because it really isn't. The boring part comes from how long the races are and like was said, all the cautions stalling the racing.
I just thought it was funny, because when I think of your football (soccer to me), and I think of the fans, I didn't think of drunken rowdyness. That belongs to the immature Americans who think that the only thing in life is American football.
I don't watch football BTW (your soccer or our football). I am a hockey fan, hehehe

. Perhaps I should have moved to Canada!!! Nah, I like it right here near the Pittsburgh Penguins, even though they stunk this year.
Oh, and some of you may have seen my Pittsburgh Steeler skin on my FOX. I did that for support of Pittsburgh going to the superbowl. I may not like football that much, but it's still nice to have the championship team in Pittsburgh again.
Of course, then there's baseball. I have never figured out how it can be the World Series, when it's only US and Canadian teams :pillepall . And again, another lousy professional team for Pittsburgh, but I do remember the '79 Pirates who won the World Series title when I was a kid. I have fond memories that year heading downtown with mom and my little brother and meeting dad after work for the games. My bro and I were in the Dave Parker fan club and I remember getting all kinds of neat-to-an-eight-year-old memorabilia.