What am i?
(6421 posts, started )
What am i?
Lets get a little game going here?

quess what i am

start of pretty easy

#2 - Jakg
Seira Cosworth?

Yay! I win the prize!

Ok, so posting this on the [MG] forum, then posting the answer on there, then posting it here wasnt the best idea!
#3 - ajp71
Sierra Cosworth?
lol shh was only getting it started

who ever gets it post up a part of a car
#6 - Jakg
How about..
Attached images
Porsche 997 Turbo 8.jpg
Porsche 997 Turbo?
#8 - Jakg
Quote from Ollie180 :Porsche 997 Turbo?

spot on, now you must find a pic to post
Clio V6?
dam ulol
Shouldn't be too difficult
Attached images
#13 - Jakg
Quote from Tweaker :Shouldn't be too difficult

Renault Spyder (can think of the right name!0
Nope And not a renault (not even a spyder :doh: )
#15 - Jakg
Quote from Tweaker :Nope And not a renault (not even a spyder :doh: )

was sure it was one of them french cars! damn, then i dont know! Could it have been a renault or a citroen?
Well you sure are close Once someone has a positive match and know what it is, I probably wont be around to give the answer, so whoever gets it, start on the next one
Quote from Jakg :Renault Spyder (can think of the right name!0

That's a tintop...

Judging by the cards, something Ace :s
#18 - Jakg
isnt a Venturi is it?
Looks more like a Peugeot to me.
Yeah, its somekind of concept, didnt find any proper name for it. Peugeot Concept RC or something like that. Post a pic
Blackout's turn

Peugeot RC
Oh dam...

But here is something
Attached images
Gumpert Apollo
#24 - Jakg

Damn! to late!

why do i always miss the easy ones?
Shall I post the next one, or actually wait for confirmation it's correct?

What am i?
(6421 posts, started )