umm REDNECK a farmer who tending all bent over all day in the field they would get a sunburn on the back of the neck ''hence'' the word redneck..
Yes im a ass according to the wife and i don't care about spelling it doesn't make the world go around been out of school 24years now..
And according to my rights in the US i can speak and say as i wish I can spell just choose not to its a freakin <<< yea i typed freakin im a redneck to I junk for a living you can watch the roadkill threw my floor boards I have a wife who bitches more than Rosana Bar
and a 70pound 1/2 German-Shepard blue-tick coon dog mix great dog
..AS a redneck i find it funny how people worry who some one spells looks who the worship how the dress or how they talk ITS STUPID. Im proud to b a redneck and live in the best country who has kicked the chit out of every country who as has crossed our pass and pissed in beer