Just thought I'd say hi, & let you know I'm totally hooked on this awesome game!! I only got broadband just before Christmas, so downloaded it then, but got caught up playing GTL up until a couple of months ago. Then I finally got bored with GTL and haven't stopped playing LFS since. What have I been missing? never played on-line before but it's ace!! & most people I've come across are really sound, you can't beat car freaks!
Gotta say a big thanks to the Team Inferno guys, was getting a bit disheartened as I intially stuck to the simple XFGTi / B'wood & could do only 1.37's despite having what I thought was an ok set as it handeled fairly neutrally, downloaded the Inferno one & instantly went 2 secs. faster.
That inspired me to get racing with some of the quicker cars (FWD pah!), & again the Inferno website came in handy! Have become a bit of an FOX addict now. Quite frighteningly I've already clocked up over 300 laps on SOClassic. My lap times are gradually improving, got down to a 42.0x the other day, which whilst hardly troubling some of the incrediably quick dudes, I was quite please with.
Right off for some racing. Look forward to locking wheels with 'ya soon.
PS. How much band width does say an hours play use? Kindda worried I might end up exceeding my 3GB / month restriction as, as I said I'm getting kindda hooked
probably averaging playing a couple of hours most days.

Gotta say a big thanks to the Team Inferno guys, was getting a bit disheartened as I intially stuck to the simple XFGTi / B'wood & could do only 1.37's despite having what I thought was an ok set as it handeled fairly neutrally, downloaded the Inferno one & instantly went 2 secs. faster.
That inspired me to get racing with some of the quicker cars (FWD pah!), & again the Inferno website came in handy! Have become a bit of an FOX addict now. Quite frighteningly I've already clocked up over 300 laps on SOClassic. My lap times are gradually improving, got down to a 42.0x the other day, which whilst hardly troubling some of the incrediably quick dudes, I was quite please with.
Right off for some racing. Look forward to locking wheels with 'ya soon.
PS. How much band width does say an hours play use? Kindda worried I might end up exceeding my 3GB / month restriction as, as I said I'm getting kindda hooked