The online racing simulator
Make this MRT karting track?
(9 posts, started )
Make this MRT karting track?
This is a track I drove when I was visiting my family in Germany. I don't have the actual layout or pictures, just how I remember it.

I would love to drive this track with the MRT in LFS but I suck at making layouts.

Here is a basic diagram:

Please note that this diagram is bad, as it makes it look like the track varies in width. This is NOT the case. It is about 3 MRT's wide everywhere.

Some info:

Average lap time is around 50 seconds. Best lap is 48 seconds, bad is about 54 seconds. The fastest spot in the track is the setup grid/start line (after the first lap obviously). Your max speed there should reach around 40 KMH/25 MPH(with a restricted MRT:nod.

Would be awesome if someone could recreate this track in LFS, many thanks if you do
Quote from bennyherber :This is a track I drove when I was visiting my family in Germany. I don't have the actual layout or pictures, just how I remember it.

I would love to drive this track with the MRT in LFS but I suck at making layouts.

Here is a basic diagram:

Please note that this diagram is bad, as it makes it look like the track varies in width. This is NOT the case. It is about 3 MRT's wide everywhere.

Some info:

Average lap time is around 50 seconds. Best lap is 48 seconds, bad is about 54 seconds. The fastest spot in the track is the setup grid/start line (after the first lap obviously). Your max speed there should reach around 40 KMH/25 MPH(with a restricted MRT:nod.

Would be awesome if someone could recreate this track in LFS, many thanks if you do

My little project for this week, ill see how i go
(RMZ125) DELETED by RMZ125
Quote from RMZ125 :I tried to make the Replica of the track, and in my point of view, ITS GREAT!!!
The average lap times are around 39 seconds and the main speed is about 50-60 kph
Here you go... ... MZ125/GermanyGoKart_1.jpg ... MZ125/GermanyGoKart_2.jpg

That is a good start, but you completely forgot about these 2 parts:

I am gonna try to modify your layout a bit and make it exactly like the track. I am gonna update you guys on the progress in this thread.

PS: How do you set Race grid start points, and pit points? Like how do I choose where people spawn in either pits location or start location?
UPDATE: I have decided to name the track Bedego.
BE(my initials)-DE(short for DEustchland)-GO(kart)

First try at getting the general layout correct. You will notice (if you drive it) that right now, the parts I modified are WAY too small and need to be corrected. Like I said, I suck at making layouts.

Here are some pics(lyt is attached):

RMZ125: Could you download the LYT and work on it, clean it up and make everything a larger scale (your original size, but with my layout). Then this track would be complete and awesome
Attached files
AU1_Bedego.lyt - 2 KB - 417 views
Ok, if i say so myself i reckon this track is complete. It was easier just to make another replica instead of cleaning the other lyt up. I hope this is what you want.

Ps. To create a race grid or finish just simply press S (for start grid) or F (for finish).
Attached files
AU1_Bedego.lyt - 3 KB - 336 views
Finally done!

That one was by far the closest to the real thing. I made some slight modifications, and now the track is complete!

It isn't done perfectly, and there are some ugly spots (in terms of looks, not function), but overall, I LOVE this track

Here are the FINAL pics:

Hope you guys like it
Attached files
AU1_Bedego.lyt - 3.5 KB - 389 views

Make this MRT karting track?
(9 posts, started )